This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #26452


    Whenever a user clicks on the register model they see the terms and conditions checkbox. However, once they are redirect to fill the rest of the form they see the terms and conditions again. How can I fix this. Also, if a user goes directly to the registration link they see the terms and conditions but they can register without the need of checking the box. I have tried adding a javascript that I found on this site but still did not work.. Can you help me fix this?

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    If a user clicks on the register button on the header, on the modal popup if they check the terms and conditions option when they get directed to the register page, the check for “Agree..” is already active.

    If you go first directly to the /register page, if the user doesn’t check the “agree” check cannot proceed to the confirmation of the registration.

    Thank you,

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    Can anyone answer and help me fix this issue??? Are you guys no longer replying to tickets? I have opened 6 tickets and no reply whatsoever..


    Hi @Model
    The section with the registration check-box is aligned to the right, your section added by the plugin about security is not aligned well since the submit button is on the right.

    Normally if you click the checkbox in the popup then it should be automatically selected on the register page. Make sure you haven’t overridden your popup template in your child theme

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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