This topic has 18 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #109701

    Hi there, I just need to know how to change the text in the registration form. By default the search form is the one that pops up on homepage. I set the registration form but I can’t figure out where to edit the text above the registration fields



    The text before the register/search form fields can be edited from : wp-admin -> theme options -> buddypress -> Search form customization -> MAIN FORM -> Text before form



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    I would also like to change the text in the Register form, but when I follow your guidance, I am able to change only search form ( wp-admin->Sweetdate->Buddypress->Search form customization->MAIN FORM, or HORIZONTAL FORM ). Both mentioned forms refer to a search form but not to a register form. Any other idea?
    Thanks for help 🙂

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    Hi again,

    Ok i understand you can change/translate that text by using loco translate plugin.

    Theme strings and plugins strings can easily be changed by using Loco Translate plugin

    A small introduction on how translations work

    Translatable strings can come from the theme or from the installed plugins. You need to translate the theme or the plugin depending on what section of the site your string is found.

    For example if your string is on your BuddyPress profile then most probably you will need to translate BuddyPress plugin. If you are on the Forums section of your site then bbPress plugin should be the one that needs to be translated. Another example is the rtMedia plugin that adds the Media links to BuddyPress and if you want to translate it then this plugin will contain the string.

    Follow these steps to get you started:

    • Install Loco Translate plugin
    • Go to the plugin dashboard: WP Admin – Tools – Manage translations
    • Find the theme or plugin in the list.
    • If the language isn’t already in the list then click Add new language, choose your language and if you are asked where you want to save the language files choose global language directory ( wp-content/languages/ ).
    • Press SYNC button to synchronise your translation with the provided .pot file
    • Search for the string you want to translate and add your translated string.
    • Press Save when you finished your translation.

    Note: You will have to set the language for your blog from WP-admin – Settings – General – Site Language – Choose your language


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    thanks for your suggestion, but I would prefer not to use any plugin for this issue as I don’t want to end up with too many plugins. My site is in English so I won’t find much of use of the mentioned plugin anyway.

    I’ve been searching through the forum and found the following advice:

    To edit the text in a mixed form you need to find the register modal in page-parts of your ftp file and copy it to child theme following the same path, so it looks like sweetdate-child/page-parts/home-register-form.php

    1- Go to your ftp file manager or filezilla
    2- Go to wp-content/themes/sweetdate/page-parts
    3- Copy the file home-register-form.php
    4- Go to wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/
    5- Create the folder page-parts
    6- Paste the file home-register-form.php inside the new folder page-parts in child theme.
    7- Edit the file, find the text and change it, then save.

    Which I have done and it worked! But how can I make the font bigger and put the text in the form in the middle like I have done in my search form, so the styling of both forms would be the same? I just wasn’t sure where exactly and what exact code to put into the above mentioned php without ruining it all 🙂 Please compare the images attached.

    Thanks 🙂

    FYI: With the search form, I have put the following code inside the MAIN FORM table in wp-admin->Sweetdate->Buddypress->Search form customization:
    <h4 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Search our members and</span>
    <span style=”color: #ffffff;”> find your passion right now!</span></h4>
    <h5 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>(You can also use our <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>advanced search)</span></span></h5>

    Not sure whether it was the right way of doing it, but it works. But as there is no such a table to put similar code into for the registration form, I believe that this would have to be done via css… I am still newbie and don’t want to mess everything up.


    Sorry, forgot to attach the images 🙂

    [attachment file=”Search form.png”]

    [attachment file=123689]

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    Search form

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    Provide link to that form to can provide you a css selector to can style it


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    sorry, I’m not with you…
    Do you need a link to my website where the form is or the actual php file where I amended the text?



    Yes, to can see realtime what’s going on and to provide you correct css solution, on the demo i cannot see that it looks ok.


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    If you want to style an element like span or a or div just add to it a class


    <span class="myfavouritecolor">This is a text bla bla</span>

    Then if you add in css this

    .myfavouritecolor {color:red !important; }

    So you can do this for any element and you should be able to do that


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    Hi Radu,

    until now I had difficulties to identify CSS selector…I got it now! Thanks for your “lecture” 🙂
    What a magic! 🙂
    This will make my life much easier…and yours too 🙂 haha

    Thanks a lot!



    I’m glad that you have learned this, it will be easy for you to stylize your website and how you said also for me :))

    Have a nice week


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    I do not find, or change, registration form:

    Can you guide me?
    Thank you



    What do you want to acheive ?


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    It’s rather simple my question!

    I want to change the form fields: “Register”

    The one that is on the page “home register”

    Thank you


    Or modify the registration fields of the form ?????
    What you do not understand the question?

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    If you really need to modify that you should have some PHP knowledges

    here is the responsible file: wp-content/plugins/k-elements/shortcodes/templates/kleo_register.php , you will need to rewrite that file by copy the file to wp-content/themes/kleo-child/k_elements to can have the functionality that you need over the theme update.


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