This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #128052



    How do i set correctly  a registration page  with your theme and buddypress ?

    I created a registration page like you did in your demo ( and it looks awesome.

    The problem is that it dont enable to choose a buddypress pseudo.

    Also,  BuddyPress asks me to select a page for Registration and if i choose the one created, buddypress will erase the template and use its own. SO we have a blank page with the form instead of the beautiful oneprovided with your demo ?
    How can i mix both ?

    Is it compulsory to have to set a registration page for Buddypress ? If yes, can we customize it ?







    The buddypress register page should be a empty page that need to be assigned to registration process from wp-admin -> settings -> buddypress -> pages -> registration -> HERE REGISTER PAGE.

    After all these you can use the home register style, and this shortcode will pass the dates to the original register buddypress page (here :

    So you cannot choose the page home register as buddypress register page these should be separately.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution


    Wel, I am sorry but i dont understand your answer. What does “and this shortcode will pass the dates to the original register buddypress page (here :” means ? This is not english !


    What does “and this shortcode will pass the dates to the original register buddypress page (here :” means ? This is not english !

    RE : The ‘home register page’ contains a shortcode that generate that nice styled form, so this page ‘home register’ have as dependency the original buddypress reigster page.

    In other words ‘home register’ cannot work without original register page.

    This is english as you can see, the language is clearly english not spanish


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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