This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by iosefl.

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  • #44977


    I need some advice urgently with the Registration Form as my new site is live:

    1). Getting many spam registrations since I enabled “anyone can register”, how do I add Re-Captcha on the registration form main page and landing page)?
    *Note I had to actually disable the registration until I can fix this problem.

    2). How can I set a flag to authorize any new registrations so they won’t be active until they’re checked?

    3). Need to customize the registration form to be in 2 columns and contain more important fields for my site (please see attached image of desired form).
    Is it easy to customize the current default form by adding a new column and new form fields and capture/validate the data entered or may I replace the default membership registration form with custom GravityForms instead?
    If I use GravityForms, how can I set the location on the main page to replace the current form and will the data entered feed the correct membership information as the default form does?

    I know these are a lot of questions, but they’re all related to this one form which the most important part of my site as no visitor is allowed to purchase a Speed Date Event if she/he is not a registered user so the form can make or break the site.



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    1) Ok so for you to understand better, the minifyed form from the homepage won’t do the registration directly, it’s just a small step which takes any information put there and pre populate the full buddypress registration form which you usually find it mapped at the /register/ address. That is the point where you should integrate a buddypress compatible captcha plugin.

    From what I saw in the plugin you given in the second post, it should work, but I can’t know for sure because I didn’t user/tested that plugin.

    2) For this you can give a look at the following plugin and see if it matches you needs:

    3) If you need that customized form on two rows displayed on the home page, then this is absolutely a custom task, for which you will need programming skills. If you only need it inside a page, then the registration page it’s already on two columns, or if you need even more flexibility than that, then i think Gravity has a component called Registration Pages or something like that.

    Let met me know if I can help you with something else.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Hi Andrei,

    1). The second post was not mine, I don’t know that plugin either, but I’m going to check it to see if it may help
    My client wants to have the main registration form on the main page, I’m going to suggest him to remove it from the main page and just use the main registration form to be able to add the re-captcha there.
    We are only going to use this theme to allow users to register and sell Speed Dating Event Products only to registered users.
    We do not utilize the Community and Members and Search Profile theme’s features, we only need to have users be able to register and buy Speed Dating Events.
    2). Will test this plugin, thank you for sharing
    3). Where do I find the code for the actual registration page? I want to see if I can customize it to include only the fields as shown in the image I attached to this ticket.
    If I can not customize it, how difficult is to replace the registration form with Gravity Forms, I have lutist license for Gravity Forms?




    You can try the following plugin for captcha in registration page, i saw a member tested it and works fine:

    The registration page found at /register/ is dynamically created by buddypress, and contains the all fields you setup from wp admin, under “Users > Profile Fields”, just the ones from the “Base” group.

    Please understand that the register form, from the homepage, is not created to process itself the whole registration process, validations and errors, it’s basically just a shortcut to the full registration page. To modify this form and make it process signups directly you will need advanced programming skills to craft it as you desire.

    Let met me know if I can help you with something else.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thank you Andrei.

    Would you be able to help me on this form, I don’t have the time to search and match and I’m afraid I’ll not be able to do a Gravity Form and feed the correct membership information into the theme’s correct place.
    I would like to have the main page form and the registration landing page form use the same form fields, all the fields, with a checkmark to agree to terms and conditions and with the Submit button to take the successful registered new member to the Events page.
    This should be the same form on the main page and on the registration page.
    The Events page should only be available to view/access for registered members, otherwise a pop up message should ask for registration, or better just direct the user to the registration page.

    Can you help me achieve this?

    I understand that if you’re willing to help me is not going to be free, please let me know if possible and at what cost.




    Unfortunately we don’t have anyone available in our team for custom work requests.
    You should really hire a developer for dealing with those issues.

    Let me know if I can help you with something else.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thank you Andrei, I’ll try to make the changes myself, your pointers so far help me, I might ask a few questions if really needed.



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