This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Hiro.

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  • #14055

    Hi, I’m unable to customize the registration page. Can’t add text, media, etc., not even a link. I’d like to add a terms of use and privacy policy link somewhere on the page before anyone registers. The sidebar shows and I’m able to add content there. But as for the main content area it seems fixed with no modifications allowed. Any suggestions?


    Hi Hiro, Buddypress does not allow you to add content from the admin area to any of the BP pages. You will have to edit registration page template file to do that. It is located in: wp-content\themes\kleo\buddypress\members\register.php

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    I did exactly this over the weekend. Make sure to copy it to your child theme.

    If you want to add some kleo shortcodes, well most any shortcode (not all developers code them for use in php) you can simply call.

    <?php echo do_shortcode('') ?>

    I did this to separate the registration form with dividers and also used it for a bullet list.

    Here’s an example of the divider

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[kleo_divider type="short" double="no" position="center" text="The Basics" class="" id=""]') ?>

    Here’s one for a bullet list explaining acceptable usernames.

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[kleo_list type="icons" icon_shadow="yes" align="left"][kleo_list_item icon="info-circled"]Usernames can contain only letters, numbers, ., -, and @.[/kleo_list_item][kleo_list_item icon="info-circled"]Usernames may not contain underscores "_".[/kleo_list_item][kleo_list_item icon="info-circled"]Username must be at least 4 characters.[/kleo_list_item][kleo_list_item icon="info-circled"]Usernames must contain letters.[/kleo_list_item][/kleo_list]') ?>

    Any xprofile field you want filled out during registration can go in the first profile group. Or if you want to greater control over that you can call the field group you want. Just change the number 7 down there to the group id you want.

    <?php if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) : if ( bp_has_profile( array( 'profile_group_id' => 7, 'fetch_field_data' => false ) ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>
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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Thanks guys. Can you give me a code where I can just add text stating that before they sign up that they have read the “terms of use” and “privacy policy”? I’d like to place this text before and above the Complete Sign Up button.

    One more thing, how can I delete the following text? “This field can be seen by: Everyone”


    I’m doing something similar and I think there is a plugin for that. But since I’m already using BuddyPress XProfile Custom Field Types plugin, I’m utilizing the “Checkbox Acceptance” field.

    If you go this route, add a new field(s) to the primary xprofile group. Put your terms of use in the description and save. Should show up automagically. Users wont be able to register until they check the box.

    If you do the above, it will place it just before ‘complete signup’ but nowhere else. The benefit to all of this is that you dont need to customize register.php. Simple.

    However, if you want to add it several places and remove the privacy setting (this field can be seen by stuff), you’ll have to customize it.

    Field privacy notice can be turned off if you set the field to “enforce the default visibility”. But what if you want to allow people to change it once they register? Well, you can remove all of the field privacy on the registration form by commenting out all the ‘bp_custom_profile_edit_fields_pre_visibility’ code in register.php. If you only want to remove it from some fields, then you’ll have to add an extra loop around all of it to check the field name or id and determine weather to show it or not.

    You’re going to have to play around with it. If you are not comfortable with editing php code, I’d suggest living with the privacy notice and having the ‘checkbox acceptance’ in one place. Its simple and upgrade proof.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Hey Sharmstr thank you so much. This was pretty much what I was looking for.

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