This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #97549


    I want to remove menus from geodirectory pages but these pages are not located in pages tab.
    Is it possible to remove menu from search result page, listing page?

    I found some codes in forum like below, it is used for bp profile page. How can i use it a page like “”?

    .bp-user #footer {
    display: none;



    Do you want to remove the entire menu or just some of the menu items? If the entire menu, do you want to hide the top menu, main menu or both?

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    I want to remove top menu, header and also resize the primary menu as attached pic.


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    Go to GeoDirectory > Permalinks and you will see which pages you have set. Then go to WP Admin > Pages and select the page you want to change and scroll down to Theme General Settings > Display settings and hide the Top bar. Then click on Title Section and hide the title, breadcrumb and information sections.

    GeoDiretory uses the built in WP Search results page to display search results so you’ll have to add this to your quick css

    .search-results.geodir-page .main-title, .search-results.geodir-page .social-header {
        display: none !important;

    I cant tell by your image what you mean by resize the main menu. Please explain.

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    Okey when i added the code to style.css, ,it worked. Thank you.

    Is there any documentation to learn the names of pages like “search-results.geodir-page”? I want to use the same method to customize the listing page also.

    For your question; by resizing the main menu, i mean that in theme options “main menu height” is 80. Bu in search results, i want to make it 40 and also “sticky main menu” should be 40. Is that possible?

    Best regards,


    They are in the body class. But you only need to do it to the search page since that’s not actually a GeoDir page. As explain before, go to WP Admin > Geodirectory > Permalinks. See what you have set for your listing page, then go to Pages and find that page and edit it.

    .geodir-page #undefined-sticky-wrapper, .geodir-page .navbar-header, .geodir-page .kleo-main-header .navbar-collapse > ul > li > a, .header-banner {
        line-height: 40px !important;
        height: 40px !important;
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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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