This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by gm713.

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  • #27710

    I need a “Reply” button or link to the shown under forum topics for non logged in users. So when they click that, it should show the login form telling the user that they need to login.
    Right now a non logged in user hits a dead end and there is no indication or call to action that they need to login to participate in the forum.
    How do I do this?


    You can edit the template files of BBPress with a link to the modal login popup?


    Thanks. This is the first time I am working with BBPress. Can you tell me what file to edit?


    It depends. What page would you like to edit? A topic? Forum index? or something else?


    The topic page.


    I assume you are using the child theme of KLEO?

    You will be able to create a template file in the next directory:


    (you can copy/paste the code of the kleo default theme to your child directory)


    Look at this thread:

    What I did is add a login link in the message at the bottom to allow the users to log in. You could modify it to display a button or link to cater to your needs. Hope this helps.

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