This topic has 42 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years by jamie771.

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  • #44194

    We are using rtMedia as recommended, but we are having problems uploading images. Sometime it works and sometimes it doesn’t, don’t understand why. The most issue it has with vertical unprocessed images taken by the Iphone. They never load.
    Also Attach Files button doesn’t always work on mobile. Sometimes I need to click several times to make it work.


    I haven’t noticed any of that on any of my kleo sites. Might be best to do a search over in their forums. There’s well over a years worth of topics there

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    Really? Nobody here had this issue? We are keep on having it. We though that it will change with your theme, since Kleo was advertised specifically as compatible with rtcamp 🙁


    I don’t think it’s the a theme related problem, it’s for sure an rtmedia problem. You should go to rtcamp and talk with them there..


    OK, we seams to fix the problem with upload finally by increasing PHP space on the server, but now we have problem how the images are displayed on the timeline. They are cut off.

    Also then you click on the image, you get popup window which is black without the image. You can only see the images by scrolling down that pop up window. It looks like the pop up window is just way too bit for the image.

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    Paste you image size settings here..


    You can see it for yourself: Make sure you scroll down the activity page, since first few images might be displaying norma, but others will be cut as on the screenshot in the previous post.

    Also it would without problems in other themes, so it should be Kleo issue.

    What image setting would you like me to paste here, Splendor?


    Please attach a screen shot of the image sizings used.

    Go to rtMedia > Settings > Image Sizes


    Thanks for reply. Here it is:

    Also try to click on the image on activity page. the lightbox is off. It is way too big for the image.

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    There’s so much jacked up with your site. Your css is hosed, the site is throwing errors. Looks like you’re running Buddypress 2.2 and Kleo 2.3.1 which absolutely dont work together.

    Please upgrade everything to a known good configuration.

    WP 4.1
    BP 2.2
    Kleo 2.4
    K-Elements 2.4 (is that even running?)
    VC 4.4.2

    Once you’re at a known good configuration, we can rule out any compatibility issue with those plugins and start to figure out what’s going on. Based on what I’m seeing I bet its a plugin conflict.

    Let us know when you’re done.


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    WOW! This is promising, lol. I am new to Kleo.

    I have updated:

    WP 4.1
    BP 2.2
    K Elements 2.4

    I don’t have updated:

    Is VC – WPBakery Visual Composer? How do I update that one. Don’t see any update button available.

    Also I tried to update Kleo today. Set user name and API KEY, as directed, but update option never showed up. So I tried to update is through FTP, but after I did it, I could not get to admin. was showing blank page and WP tool bar disappeared. SO I went back to old one.

    Please help! Thanks you!


    Uninstall Visual Composer then resinstall using the file located in the download from theme forest. Once that’s enabled, disable any and all extra plugins that haven not be verified by Kleo (that side bar ad is one). Once you’ve done that, try to FTP again.

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    Were do I find the list of plugins which a are verified by Kleo? I attached file with once we have installed.I know the list is long, lol. There are some old once we used with other theme. They are inactive. I didn’t delete them yet, since I wasn’t sure that I will need with kleo.

    Our big problem was spam registration. Now it seams to be ok. Which plugin would you recommend for that?

    Thank you so much for your help!!!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    bbPress: 2.5.4
    BuddyPress: 2.2.0
    BuddyPress Cover Photo: 1.0.3
    K Elements: 2.4
    Paid Memberships Pro:
    Revolution Slider: 4.6.5
    rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress: 3.7.32
    Taxonomy Metadata: 0.4
    WooCommerce: 2.3.2
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.1
    WPBakery Visual Composer: 4.4.2
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: 1.1.7

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    You have total cache installed. Are you sure you’re loading css and jquery files in the correct order?

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    No, I am not sure. How do I check if they are loading in the correct order?


    OK, I updated everything you told me to and deactivated all the plugins, which are not in the list above. But as soon as I Updated Kleo through FTP, I lost my WP admin tool bar and can’t get to It is still showing a blank page.

    The images seams to show normal now.


    But since I deactivated the untispam plugins, we immediately started to get spam registrations.

    The list of verified plugins you gave me, is not really enough to run a website.


    You should put your site into maintenance mode until you sort out whats going on.

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    Ok, but I just want you to be able to see it.
    SO now I have all the following updated:
    WP 4.1
    BP 2.2
    Kleo 2.4
    K-Elements 2.4 (is that even running?)
    VC 4.4.2

    Kleo FTP update made admin panel to disappear. Where do I go from here?

    Thank you very much for your help.


    You should deactivate all those plugins.. and keep those that comes bundled with the theme and rtmedia. deactivate all the other. You seem to have a lot of problems..and also go on maintenance mode as @sharmstr stated.


    And test all other plugins one by activating those one by one..


    I did deactivate, but with as soon as I installed Kleo 2.4 through FTP, I can’t get to admin panel. shows blank page.


    So I can’t even set maintenance mode, unless I go back to old Kleo.


    delete the theme through ftp and add the new one


    I did! Still the same. Admin panel is not available!


    Notised more issues. Some Icons are gone.

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    hehe.. it seems you have done some serious stuff to your theme..


    Not sure that, because when I go back to Kleo 2.3.1 it is working fine including admin and icons.


    I didn’t really to anything to the theme, but basic settings and front page. No css adjustments. I also use child theme. Do I have to do anything to the child theme while updating?


    Let me know when I can go in and do it for you. Please respond privately with both credentials to the backend and ftp to your server.

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    I have no idea what you were doing wrong but its installed now.

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    Thank you so much! Shell I activate plugins one by one now? Any suggestions on that?
    I see you activated WangGuard. Is that the unit spam option you recommend?


    Yes. One by one.

    I enabled it because I thought that’s what you were using for SPAM.

    You can make me that turkey marinara spaghetti squash recipe I saw on your site. Thank you very much 🙂

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    What about W3 Total Cache? Is that one ok? We also use with it. Do you know if it is good for your theme to speed the website up?


    LOL! I am not sure where are you located, but turkey marinara spaghetti squash might not do well in the mail. But if you send me an address we can send you Under Construction T-shirt 😉


    Use it, I use it and it’s great, Maxcdn rocks and wt3c with it but you really need to go deep to understand it and get the best out of it. So keep in mind that you will have to spend a lot of time of tweaking settings.


    Ok, now I know what is messing up the notifications and social icons. BuddyPress Like plugin. I am not sure how to be without it. People like to like things, lol. Is there an alternative or a fix?


    Also is there a plugin which will let to post links on the activity page with an image and description like Facebook does. BuddyPress Activity Plus does it, but it also has photo and video, which are not necessary, if you have rtMedia.

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