This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #100702


    When I click on an image (with rtmedia lightbox enabled), I receive this layout, that doesn’t seem right. I remembered when installed rtmedia, I got the message like “character in header” and “override your theme template”. I read the documentation, searching around this forum but see no solution.

    Could you help me out?


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    We need more information.

    What version of Kleo?
    What version of rtMedia?
    Do you have rtMedia > Custom Css > rtMedia default styles enabled?
    Have you looked for plugin conflicts?

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    I installed Kleo 3.1.3, rtmedia is bundled with Kleo, version 3.10.1. Default styles enabled. All plugins deactivated, except BuddyPress and rtMedia but the problem still persist.

    Additional, I found that Kleo demo have exactly same problem I encountered.

    It just takes too long to load a single image.


    It loads quickly for me and I dont see the display issues that you speak of

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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    wew, this’s weird. I tested again with my home computer and found that everything is perfectly normal, demo site and my own site. But I still got that error in my computer at work, which run behind a firewall. Tried many more computers and I must conclude that my workplace’s firewall was tampering something, which I have no idea about.

    From now on I’ll test the website using other computers. Thanks for your time.


    No problem.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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