This topic has 42 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Radu.

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  • #196329

    I got so many emails from members that they find the site very hard to understand, and some  just wanted to cancel their membership.

    They don’t even find where to fill in their profile fields and probably not their profile pic either, cause most don’t add the profile pic.

    The menu at the Profile page is really tiny so I can understand that, plus you have to scroll down to see it.
    But the worst thing is that for every change or fillin, you end up on the top of the page, which is really enoying and maybe some members think they didn’t manage to do the fillin or change.

    Anyway I found on the Feature Request page (which is also hard to find) that someone informed about a css-code to fix this:

    vinz98 vinz98



    This code needs to be added to the main CSS file. (I used the custom css field within Sweetdate)

    body.activity section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.notifications section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.messages section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.friends section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.groups section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.forums section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.album section #profile{ display: none !important; } section #profile{ display: none !important; }
    body.settings section #profile{ display: none !important; }

    (I toggled a bit to get what I wanted, so I left out the upper “body.activity section #profile{ display: none !important; }”)


    I added the code in Theme Options > Styling Options > Quick CSS.
    It does work but when pressing Profile > Edit, at the Profile Page, the profile fields do not show, so you can’t practically edit anyting, nor change Cover image.

    Any solution/code for this??



    Thanks for contacting us about your user experiences. Firstly the CSS you show should not be used unless you wish to hide sections within the profile.

    To address the issue of seeing the header when switching between profile sections you can use the below script in WP Admin > SweetDate > General Settings > Scroll to: ‘Analytics Code’

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    	jQuery("#item-nav .item-list-tabs a, #subnav a").each(function() {

    This code scrolls the page to the item-nav and subnav elements of a profile when switching between the sections. I think this will resolve the core of the issue for you.

    Let me know,


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thanks A LOT!

    I already have this code in that window:


    so I pasted your code after this one, but then I got a 403 Forbidden page by Wordfence. Se screenshot:

    [attachment file=196522]

    Should I just ignore it?

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    Try removing the script and purging your cache(s) do you still see the same menu issue?

    Also, where did you place the script? It should be placed where I said, under any closing script tag that is already there.


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Hi again….Eh, why should I remove the script?

    I added it exactly according to your screenshot:

    [attachment file=196633]


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    You should remove it to test if it is causing the issue you’re experiencing or not. The error could be from another source so it is worth ruling it out first.


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.

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    In that case the script is fine and you can add it back as it was not generating the error.

    I cannot see the cause for the remaining error and will therefore have to refer this ticket to a higher support level. They’ll be in touch with you as soon as they can, Monday to Friday, East European Time.

    Thank you for your patience,


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    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Disable child hteme, it works ? the fields appear under profile -> edit ?

    update all plugins and also the theme.

    Let me know

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    Yes, the issue still remains after deactivating child theme…purching caches and deleting webhistory.

    This issue happened after I tried the code in the first message of this ticket. Also after I removed it from Theme Options > Styling Options > Quick CSS.

    Is it possible that some of this code is still remaining somewhere?


    ….and themes and plugins are updated :)!


    ….also deactivated all plugins except Buddypress and Elementor. What happens if I try to activate Elementor – Will I then loose all settings??

    Greatful for help on this!


    …I mean “DEACTIVATE” Elementor.


    [attachment file=200107]

    ..I know I had some problems getting rid of a lot of space above footer in Elementor. Somehow I fixed it. Maybe in a wrong way?

    As you can see at the screenshot there are two lines and they are very close to the Profile Page menu. Maybe the space is to little to let the menu result show??
    The thing is that the Profile menu shows, and when clicking on one of those menu tabs, the under menu shows, no problem. But when clicking on one of the tabs in the under menu – that’s when nothing shows / happens… Maybe to little space for it to show?????

    Just a thougth..
    What do you think?

    My credentials are in the first message of this ticket.

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    There are some sections created, how did you had add them there ?

    Related to the edit that not appear try to update all plugins and delete the theme and re-download from themeforest and upload it again.

    After if it’s the same, de-activate also all plugins except buddypress check if works.

    Let me know


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    Sections? You are refering to the grey lines below the Profile menu, right? No idea. They were already there, but you can remove theme, please. Maybe that will help…

    Okay, I’ll do as you say!
    Thanks a lot, Radu!

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    YEs, there seems to be a shortcode that it’s not running i think for some reason you get blank page on theme options. So just enable wp debug.

    So if you have child theme de-activated from wp-admin -> appearance ->themes it’s no need to delete they will not run.

    Steps to enable wp debug:

    •  Connect to your server by FTP
    • Look in root directory of your WordPress install and open wp-config.php
    • Search for define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false ); and change FALSE value to TRUE
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    •   After this line add this:
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    WP_DEBUG_LOG is a companion to WP_DEBUG that causes all errors to also be saved to a debug.log log file inside the /wp-content/ directory. This is useful if you want to review all notices later or need to view notices generated off-screen (e.g. during an AJAX request or wp-cron run).

    Repeat the described actions and then check the debug.log file and let me know what error appears.

    If this is useless please try to deactivate additional plugins except Visual Composer, K-elements, BuddyPress, Paid memberships pro and revolution slider.

    After you have disabled the plugins try to see if the error persists.


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    Thanks very much, Radu, I’ll try that tomorrow!
    I don’t have Visual Composer, K-elements and Revolution Slider. Should I have those???


    But this ticket is not about Theme Options blank page at mainsite. This ticket is about the issue on my staging site where I have updated to Sweetdate 3 and Elementor. You know the issue that the profile menu on frontend profile page doesn’t work.

    I can’t push the staging site to live site until it works properly.


    I see the debug it’s needed on both cases, tried right now to see the debug.log file trough a plugin named debug this and it not works it asks the next

    Please add the following to wp-config.php to use this mode.
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);

    Let me know orrr you can provide to me the FTP


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    Figured out why the edit not works, so keep in mind if you encounter the same issue on other installs that you run.

    working edit fields

    Here’s an article how you can increase your page speed :


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    Ah, thank you so much Radu!!!
    The screenshot and your red mark is around Primary fields, not BP Album…?

    So I cannot use BP Album…?


    ….should I use Smush or Image Optimizer?? Can’t find Smush it.

    – There is an option in Speed Booster Pack: Removes extra Font Awesome styles
    Should I check this option or leave it unchecked??


    Yes i had market any of those fields, like that was bp album but after i had unchecked it had disappeared.

    So instead the bp album at this moment you can use the rtmedia, it will repopulate the bp album area.

    bp album was very very deprecated.

    I think yes you can use Image Optimizer it should do the same.

    You can check Removes extra Font Awesome styles if you see any missing icons or something you can switch off, it should be ok anyway.


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    1. They theoretically do the same but the bp album it’s deprecated from some time.

    2. Did youhad activated child or parent ? or vice versa ? maybe it was parent activated and after you had activated the child things broken ?

    3. The profile area meaning ? /wp-admin ? or /member/admin/profile ?

    Leave links and/or screenshots when thinks are interpretable to can understand the context.


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    Startapge meaning homepage right ? ( )

    I was redirected after login from popup here :

    Then i went to theme options miscellaneous -> popup login redirect and i had changed to reload current page.

    Now after the login page will reload from where you had logged in.

    So can you confirm that this continue to happens here ?


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    Hi again,

    I THINK I have fixed the login-issue…Maybe not the right way….?
    In Appareance > Widgets I added “(BuddyPress) Log In”-widget in Sidebar Principal.

    See screenshot:

    [attachment file=201577]

    [attachment file=201578]

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    …..and by adding that widget, it seem like the upper right login/profile -button works again like it should :).

    Is this the correct way to fix this?



    Hmm not sure why that happens, on our demo that not happens right ?

    You can use the next function to redirect you directly to profile after login

    /* Radu SQ: easy redirect to profile after login */
    function sq7_rdu_redirect( $redirect_to, $request, $user ) {
        $redirect_to = bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID);
        return $redirect_to;
    add_filter('login_redirect', 'sq7_rdu_redirect', 11, 3);

    Orr the next function to redirect to the homepage

    /* Radu SQ: easy redirect to profile after login */
    function sq7_rdu_redirect_reload( $redirect_to, $request, $user ) {
        $redirect_to = site_url();
        return $redirect_to;
    add_filter('login_redirect', 'sq7_rdu_redirect', 11, 3);

    It may prevent that behaviour.

    The function will have to be added in wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/functions.php and the child theme should be installed and activated

    Let me know


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    Hi, thank you Radu!

    The code you gave me to redirect to Profile after login…Is that code supposed to redirect directly to Profile page after login, instead of remaining on startpage and having to click on Profile button? That would be great, but it doesn’t seem to work. I also deleted web history.

    I put it in dashboard > Appareance > Editor > Child > PHP.


    The way I resolved the login-issue….Is it okay? Or do you think I still can have those issues for paying members getting redirected to Membership Level Page and not being able to login? The code you gave me was for that purpose or to land directly on Profile Page after login??

    Thank you so much!!



    Yes.. when you login from popup it will redirect to the users profile.

    Not sure… the best way it’s to test yourself personally following exactly the same steps as new user doest to can see exactly the flow.

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    Thanks Radu, but your code does not let the user land directly on their Profile area when logging in from the login popup. They remain on startpage, but the login button becomes a Profile button. Only that.

    You see what I mean?


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