This topic has 51 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Anchora.

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  • #3997

    Hi There,

    Sorry to bother you again but I was hoping you could help with a query. When members are searching on my site, e.g. I am a man looking a woman, the results look fine on the first page but as soon as a user goes to the second page it starts showing members of the same sex. Is this a bug in the search function or am I doing something wrong?

    Best Wishes


    Thanks for letting us know about this. We fixed it and it will be available in this week update v.2.2

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    Ok great thanks. Any idea what day of the week it will be realised?


    Friday or Saturday probably. If sooner the better

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    Did you fix this?
    Need it here as well


    Any sign of this update yet pal?


    Hi, Yes we are packing it and doing some final test. Won’t take long. Today it will be sent for approval.
    Thanks for understanding.

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    Hi there. Unfortunately the updated theme doesn’t seem to have addressed the issue. It really is a major flaw


    We tested it and it should be fixed. Make sure you changed all theme files and cleared cache

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    Done as you suggested and it is still not working mate


    Give us a link to your site

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    We tested it, searched for Woman, got 34 pages. Clicked all pages and only Woman and it shows still 34 pages so it is ok. This isn’t the issue you were talking about?

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    Whoops sorry I just tried using it on a different computer and it is showing up fine now. I do apologize kind sir!!! Just one other thing quickly, is there a way to make the browser automatically scroll to the top when someone clicks on a new page? It seems that whenever I am on a page I have to scroll back up to the top again


    Normally when you click a link it will take you to the top of that page. This should happen only when you refresh the page and it stay on the same location as you were.

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    Sorry I meant in the search results. E.g. when I am on page 1 and go to page 2 the browser doesn’t automatically go back to the top, I have to scroll back up which some people are saying is rather annoying


    Oh, I see what you mean… We will take a look but it is normal behaviour

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    I have this problem on mobile devices. When I search from the computer the results are ok, but when I’m searching from a mobile phone or an Ipad, only the first page with results is ok, the rest of the pages show all members. Am I doing something wrong, or the problem is not fixed yet for mobile devices? (I’m using the updated theme, v2.2).


    Will take a look but doesn’t make sense 🙂

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    You can have a look on my site and search for: 1st field Model, second field Bucuresti. The first results page is ok, it says there are results 2 pages, but when I’m pressing the second page, it shows all members and 18 pages. I repeat, only on mobile devices (Ipad and mobile phone tested).


    Fixeeeed it 🙂
    Indeed is was a really strange problem but me managed to fix it. we will release the fix in v2.3 that will come this month

    Thanks for noticing

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    Try our demo because it show work fine now.

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    same here! problem when going to other search pages!


    Hello, Please make sure you have the latest theme version installed

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    sorry to say, but same here, even with the latest update.

    when clicking directly the link for page-2 in the results, it gives this adress:

    …and as a result, all users are shown.


    when copying this link, or open it in a new tab with rightclick, it gives the correct result for page 2 + with this adress:

    any idea?


    I have the latest theme (I think) 2.3.1 and I also still see this when going to the second page of search results. All of a sudden I see both men and women, instead of just the women I am looking for.


    Hi, The request for the second page is done by AJAX. Are you using some plugins that may interfere with that?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    The only plugin that used Ajax is Quotes Collection.

    I deactivated that and the problem persists. Most of the plugins installed are the ones that come with the theme – related to BuddyPress, etc.

    I am using BuddyPress Groups Extras because I need some pages in BuddyPress to do what the client needs on this site. Is that Ajax based? Jetpack is installed. Don’t believe that uses Ajax.


    the only difference in displaying right/wrong results is the “&upage=2” at the end of the link!
    not inserted on direct-click, but available when copied..

    doesn’t seem there is special ajax in the source of the results


    We did several tests and the search is done right on every page. Put a link of your search so we can take a look on your site

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    user: squeen
    pass: sq125


    Please update to 2.3.1. Your version is 2.1

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    Hi all, Please update to 2.4 and see then if you encounter any problems. Thanks

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I am in 2.4. I updated yesterday. At least I thought I did. The theme info page says I am still using 2.3. Why would that be?


    Open sweetdate/style.css and the version will be there to check

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Yes, I am using 2.4. The child-theme style.css is just not showing the change.

    So, the issue wasn’t resolved with 2.4


    Give us a link to your site.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    The sit is do you need access info in a private response?

    I appreciate you quick responses Abe. I really want this setup to work. As I said it is a beautiful theme. In fact, I think it is the best looking dating site option on the market.

    But these are critical issues for dating sites.


    Well first you have removed the filters from the members page and it gives you a javascript error when clicking on a page and the pages refreshes instead of doing ajax request. Second, the search works fine.
    I have searched this:
    and always have nine pages. You probably have some old cached files in browser…

    Also you can test it in our demo:

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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