This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #65053


    I want to create a few new WP User Roles, and add them as a required Base XProfile field selection menu at the BuddyPress registration.

    Based on the selected user role, certain profile field group tabs can then be shown or hidden in the BuddyPress User Profile via BuddyPress Conditional Field Groups plugin.

    But in order to use this fantastic plugin, I must first let new users select their User Role at registration.

    Thank you very much if you could help me with this.


    Kleo doesnt have anything built in that will allow you to do this. Ask on the Buddypress forums since its their registration process you’ll have to tap into.

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    @romanzy, did you figure this out?

    , I have a similar question, which I think does involve KLEO:

    For ‘basic’ memmbers the Kleo Facebook registration should be enough, quick and painless. But for other member types I want them to fill out more field (either at registration or later).

    – Is there a way to differentiate this at sign-up, based on user role (they can choose themselves)?
    – is there a way to remind people/roles to complete (parts of) their profile, for exampl if they only signed up with FB?

    Welcome any input you might have, thanks.


    Nope – that doesnt involve kleo. Its still BP.

    I havent tried it, but there is a plugin to make a member type a profile field:

    I’m sure there is code out on the web that will help you in forcing users to fill out profile fields.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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