This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #139847

    Boy, you could really use some better documentation. Or maybe a better way to set up your shortcode. It is impossible to use nearly all your shortcode elements.

    How do I make this:

    I want the icon to be links. And I also want a button a the bottom of each box.



    Hi boy,

    As how you have already read in another topic we will improve our shortcode documentation in future we cannot do it right now.

    I see what you need to achieve, using feature items element you cannot do what you need, instead of that you can use a row divided by three and inside each row add individually an icon element then text element then a button.

    something similar to this, but you should add also the button

    If you want to generate that layout from the screenshot use this shortcode by pasting it to a new page in text area, it will generate this :


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    OK. Thanks. how did you get the boarder to be only on certain sides of each box?



    No problem

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    One thing. I don’t think what I took the screenshot of can be made like you mentioned here. The icons on the demo have rollover effects.

    And when I look at the source code, it does reference your “feature-item” short code. I really need to know how to use that feature item short code. Can you copy the short code from your demo site for me. It would really help. Thanks.


    Here it’s entire shortcode for our kleo presentation demo :

    Do some practice with the feature items shortcode because it haves few settings… it takes around 10 minutes to configure it in all ways… if you will do that you should be able to figure how it works and what can do


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    Shortcode you sent helped right away. I got it in 20 seconds.

    I did not install demo because I am building this on existing site.


    Hi again,

    I’m happy to hear that!

    Have a nice week


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