This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years by hughm.

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  • #6206

    I am trying to show a list of blog posts that only displays standard post formats and excludes quote formats which I also use on my site. I was able to show only quote formats using post_formats=”quote”. Can you explain how to show only standard posts.
    Here is the shortcode I tried:

    [kleo_articles cat=”all” limit=”5″ post_formats=”standard” post_types=”post”]

    This returns a “Nothing Found” message.

    Also, with shorcodes is there a way to exclude certain items? For example can you use the “!” to hide the quote format?


    And one follow up question related to above shortcode formatting:

    Is it possible to format the blog post headers in the shortcode. I am using the blog shortcode in a few different sidebars throughout my site and I would like the header to display as H4 in the sidebar and then at the default H2 in the main blog.



    Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t allow to query normal post formats. You can query each of the other formats. You can also create a category for the normal ones and get only posts from that category with the attribute cat=”cat_id”

    You can’t do it from the shortcode but you can add a css to customize that:

    .widgets-container h2 { font-size:16px}

    Change the size of the font to match your needs

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thanks. That works for me. I was able to put the short-code into a widget and then style it as you described above.

    One curiosity, I notice that most themes do not include the author avatar in the blog post nor are they able to link back to the author profile from the author link on each blog post. Is this because WordPress is not integrating with Buddypress? The only theme that I have seen that shows the author avatar is the Buddypress default theme.

    Any way to put the avatar into a blog post, perhaps in a future release?

    Thanks again for the solution to the widget blog formatting!


    I think is a preference not to display the avatar and not something that can;t be done

    We are displaying the avatar in the recent posts widget.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution



    A small issue. I have tried using the SweetDate shortcode to display blog posts in a column on a page but am unable to style the H2 and margins. I also tried dropping the Sweetdate shortcode into a widget and then using the Widget Shortcode plugin to insert it on a page. The styling above only seems to work if it is in a widget on a sidebar. Can you give me a hand in styling the blog posts on a page using either of the above options.


    I found the template file (sweetdate/content.php) and was able to copy it to my child theme and change the H2 tags to work for me. So this one is solved.

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