This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #187582

    Hello KLEO!


    On the buddypress profile page I would like to increase the size of the images in the middle cirle.

    Investigating the css code, I have found the following:

    /* viewing more of the background imge
    .buddypress div#item-header img.avatar {
    width: 300px;
    /* viewing less of the profile image
    .buddypress.bp-header-small #item-header img.avatar {
    width: 150px;


    I have changed the values in the investigator then it changes on the page, but when I insert it to custom  .css it does not work. Why?


    Do I need to change this one instead?






    Ok, I figured it out, now it works, but the images are a little pixelated. How can I change that?




    Hi Zsuzsa,

    If they’re a little pixelated you should use the code from the link you posted in your /wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file.

    Note: for this work the file must be placed in the correct location.

    If you do not already have a bp-custom.php file created you can you use the attached file that I have created for you which contains the basic code from the link you posted.

    Note: You should update the values within the bp-custom.php file to match the size changes you made via CSS



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