This topic has 25 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years by mattylb.

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  • #33626


    i recently downloaded the template and its running deadly slow online i would like to know why is that happening. i contacted the hosting company and they recommended we download w3 cache for wordpress and we did still no hope can you please help me

    thank you


    Hi, there are already similar questions like yours so please search before posting new questions.
    Slow responses are mostly related to your type of hosting since the theme acts well and doesn’t have something really heavy. Also the plugins add extra loading times.
    Install W3 Total Cache plugin to speed site up

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    its installed already and didn’t work that’s why i posted this

    Thanks for your time anyway


    @aawnii you should try different hosting since shared accounts are most of the times slow

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.



    wordpress is really complicated platform and needs lot of time to find out how to make it work (my point is for active website with lot of user and activity )

    if you looking for social networking and your users are active and uploading many images ,
    if you have a Group forum active with many topics , sure you need minimum VPS
    you can find some hosting plan special for WordPress which will help as well but not like VPS

    i suffer so much to make my site work and i just like to share it with you ( almost 3 month i spent time to find solution which i had many active user from my old site to move them to wordpress with many image and file sharing between them )

    steps i did :
    1- W3TC was very big help for me but took 3 days to find out how to configure it and must be PRO version to really make it work 🙂 ( you can find many review in youtube and some wordpress support website )

    2- you need CDN which MAXCDN is working perfect with W3TC and increase my site speed from C to A+
    3- you should manage the heartbeat of admin-ajax.php
    this php file for active and busy site is a killer machine 😀 , link below helped me to fix the issue and saved my speed and slow browsing , ( its a must )
    and be sure to dont disable heartbeat just follow the steps DELAY WORDPRESS HEARTBEAT REQUEST

    37 plugins running on my site at all time and many html and java codes loading on my pages ( all of them loading live information ) and 3 steps above really saved my site to go down every night at busy times .

    hope that work for you as well


    Thank you @itt. Great info.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    indeed, thanks @itt
    link from step 3 missing

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    thank you


    i added but i dont know why disappear , thank for informing and if it is possible added to same post
    and be sure to dont disable heartbeat just follow the steps DELAY WORDPRESS HEARTBEAT REQUEST



    Hey itt. Would you mind sharing your W3TC setup with us? I realize it will be different depending on what plugins are installed, but where I struggled and where others seem to struggle is making it work with Buddypress. I realize it took 3 days for you do get everything set and knowledge has value so its understandable if you dont want to.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Yes, if you can share settings @itt you do us a big favor for all of us.


    thx for the info bro !

    my website was slaw with no users registered, slowness after installing the template. i changed hosting to Godaddy and it worked fine now. i’am planning to move to VPS after getting some traffic

    WOULD you mind giving us the link of your website so we can navigate and check your work

    Thank you





    i will make a kind of guide file with some photo which help me to explain it better
    ill try to link it here on friday



    awesome @itt

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    I hope it help 🙂



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    @itt thanks, we have nearly similar settings besides that you use fragment cache. By the way, I wonder do you have any special order for the .js in theme? I see you use manual setting in Minify. Also how many cnames are you using with Maxcdn. I tried to use 5 at a time. The problems it makes to many request if you have a more visited site. So now I’m using only one cname.




    im using only one cnames but 2 zones . one for site and one for video which are hosted by maxcdn .
    be sure you setup the MAXCDN in correct way to handle all images and similar from your site .

    as i mentioned before i have many js and html code delivering live news and videos to my site and the way
    i configure the Minify js and css is very tricky im not sure will work for you or others . because many
    ways i play with to be sure W3tc will not catch the js and html are delivering the live information to my site

    and keep in mind all this setups needs at least to run for 24H to really start working . one of our mistake including myself its we think at same time we should feel the different and site browse faster .

    in link below you can see how much CDN s effecting your site and it will give you very useful information to know where you should play more in W3tc and CDN

    i hope link not disappear this time 🙂



    @itt , yeah I understand. I’m playing around myself on my development site with this. But I’m trying to figure out the order of the js from theme and where it should be put. In head, before body, after nothing breaks. Because using async can break things, everything must be really tested out. The recommended way is to put js after body but can be quite problematic. ok, as my site is a portfolio site, I’m considering using one zone for only images but I don’t know how it could affect the site. What do you think?. I’m using right now Gtmetrix and Pingdom tools. I’ll test the link, thanks! 🙂



    if you click on any images , url should show your cnames url with some extra address, not your actual url that means MAXCDN is loading the images not your server , this will help each user receive the image from MAXCDN server close to his/her location not directly from your site and will help to reduce the server load and faster browsing .
    MAXCDN will cache everything not only the images . for that be sure you manage the API in maxcdn and give full access to w3tc

    as i pointed before before i purchase w3tc i didnt see any effect till after purchase the edge mode activated and i felt the different ,

    in js option from w3tc combine only was working for me better and second option from the menu ( i forgot the name 🙂 )
    and js before – after is depend if you use any outsource code , some of outsource services need to add the code before body and in this case js can make issue .
    and after any changes be sure you are clearing all cache in your w3tc and maxcdn to see the changes

    if your site is only portfolio first try all settings without activating js and css in w3tc, monitor it for 24H and see how it goes . im sure MAXCDN will help the loading . i have more than 180000 images now in my site which shared by users and they are loading perfect . no lazy loading and no delay ( in past 2 month more than 1 million times these images loaded from maxcdn server , imagine if they loaded from my server 🙂 )

    for testing the site i use those sits you mentioned as well but i like that one i mentioned because is giving very specific information , page by page and code by code it helped me a lot to find and fix the real issues .
    and is showing exactly if your CDN is loading all of your pages, images . files and…

    remember all this start it from ajax-php fie 🙂 , till i didnt log out or close my browser this file keep working and working , now think if users they do the same , what a load will be on our server ? ( im using VPS – 8 core cpu- 3 GB ram – 100 GB SSD )
    now all these loads on CDN server and i can sleep nicely 😀



    I’ve seen a lot of difference wt3c from the beginning withour buying, but I can imagine the bigger difference using fragment cache for buddypress. Should help a lot indeed.

    Yes it seems that combine only is the thingy. A big difference between minify mode and combine only, are you using non-blocking js? I’m testing between that and non-blocking async. Right now I’m only checking the js, next week I’ll start with the css. So it’s easier to see the errors. I have currently this error, but thats it. I don’t have any idea what that is but Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 66879: "===a.STRING(4,5).toUpperCase()?r():!1):!1. I’m trying to find. Otherwise, optimizing is the worst part I think, very complicated.

    I’m also looking at compressing images, I test but seems to sometime blurry images which is not good at all. Looking at another plugin called and


    Not to hijack the conversation, but have you guys/gals tried Better WP Minify and WP Super Cache? I usually use W3 Total Cache on sites but I have a large and rather heavy news site on its own vps and W3 Total Cache slowed it down horribly. It just seemed like no matter what my settings, W3 Total Cache and the VPS just didn’t get along and the site was usually faster with it deactivated. After finally getting totally fed up with it I ended up switching it to WP Super Cache and Better WP Minify, now it’s very fast. A A at GTMetrix and looks great at, it was much easier to configure too, no more spending days messing around with W3 Total Cache. I also use the free Cloudflare CDN.

    My Kleo site is still in WPEngine staging which seems to be pretty fast without caching or minifying anything but I’m wondering what kind of issues I’m going to have with things getting cached that I don’t want cached once I make the site live.



    i used that compressing image plugins but i prefer CDN , for my site and in my case CDN is helping much better
    because user will load all images from CDN sever and compressing finally will effect my server usage

    regarding the js option i use combine only and none blocking using js , in my case it worked




    HI dear , thanks for sharing
    at the beginning i read many reviews about W3tc that is not easy to configure and so on . so i start using super cache first and honestly i didnt see any improvement .

    what i see from all information in internet both are helpful and depend of what we are running on our site and witch one can help better .


    @itt, thanks for responding, I have been testing none blocking using js, seems working fine at the moment. I have one question. When you add the link of the js in minify, do you add the full link, with http://cdn. before or use http://www. I was testing with /wp-content lalalal, Wt3c didn’t like it at all so it’s why I’m asking.


    @dave – I really like what I see with Better WP Minify and I was wondering if you could share how you have your files minified with it, eg automatically or manually. If manually, could you share how you configured it for the KLEO files? Last time I tried it, I ran into issues with the page breaking and CSS not loading so I gave up on it, but I love its potential. THANK YOU!

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