This topic has 24 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Taylor.

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  • #59079

    good day… one of the things that drew me to love this theme was the fact that it offered front end post publishing… but i’ve never gotten that plugin to work, it always gave me a white screen when activated and never really worked. do you know of any known issues or plugin conflicts with social articles or would another front end publisher program work? i ended trying one other plugin for publishing but the tab didnt show up in the profile section. which ultimately let me to have to buy a buddypress alternative in order get use of front end publishing that works… please advise thanks!!


    Probably your out of memory errors. Try social articles again after you increase your memory as instructed in the other topic.

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    i will give it a try thank you


    ok so far i have only ran into one white screen… but can you explain why i don’t see anything on the article page.. please see attachment.. its empty with no errors.. thanks

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    also whatever the issue is… it is creating a white blank space at the top of my website… just fyi… at


    keep in mind that we dont support social articles, its merely compatible. with that said, I’ll be happy to take a look. please respond privately with admin credentials.

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    Just an fyi.. When social articles is activated it makes my wp admin bar disappear.


    Your site is down

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    I’m sorry.. It was in maintenance mode. U can access now


    Article page is displaying fine.

    The white space at the top of the profile page is there regardless of social articles being active or not. You logo is covering part of the profile cover because you have your main menu set to 40px high.

    The admin menu is displayed with social articles active.

    So, what’s the issues 🙂

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    1.Ok yes i know i have a white slave… I said the admin bar is missing

    2.I know my logo is like that thats what i want

    I’m using Google chrome as always so this is weird

    Currently i cannot even see my website… I have a white screen

    Please standby


    The initial at hand was… I cannot see where to add a post when social articles is activated… Please see the screenshot i sent showing the page lookin different than what u see.. I had to deactivate the plugin in order to access my website… What browser are u using… Or did u change something


    So, as you can see, I can see the admin bar. I can also see the Social Articles interface. I’m using Chrome. No, I didnt change anything.

    Did you use a different account to check the articles page than the one you gave me?

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    Also, you are getting the white screen condition even with Social Articles disabled. I just checked.

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    No.. I will try that… What’s crazy is.. When social article is activated my website goes white.. When i deactivated my site is back up


    Perhaps the user role editor settings are blocking Social Articles interface from showing up for your users that are set as Authors?

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    I’ve gotten the white screen twice on your site with Social Articles deactivated. I dont think that’s the issue. It could be that its a memory issue. Enable WP debugging making sure to set display to true. Maybe you can catch the error next time it happens.

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    I can turn off every plugin and as long as I have social articles activated I always run into the white screen error but only with social articles I can change users to something else other than authors if that will make the plugin work


    Ok I’m going to try everything you have suggested and I will keep you posted thank you for taking the time out to help me. this is the only issue I am running into before I can make my site live.


    Then why have I received the white screen 3 times now?

    Social Articles will work with Author accounts. Again, I think you’ve changed that by using the user editor. Perhaps you have blocked access to something the account needs in order for social articles to work.

    btw – you are running an old version of VC. Update it:

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    please double check the white screen issue because I deactivated social articles that is the only way I am able to see my website maybe you should go incognito in view the website with the social articles deactivated inactivated I am NOT going to touch it for like 30 minutes so you can have a chance to see what I am talking about


    Each time I got the white screen, social articles was disabled. I dont what to tell you other than that.

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    Yeah i figured that was happening… The opposite is happening on my end.. Ok i guess we are unresolved at this point.. And i know u guys don’t really support third party plugins… But I’m thankful for the help.. I really wish u guys made a user submitted content plugin


    i did a fresh install.. it could have been a memory issue or a corrupt file in my database after all the troubleshooting. thank you.

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