This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #217328

    А) How can I customize the display of the girl’s recent visit?

    Is it possible to turn this feature on or off?


    B) How to display the selection of the year 2019 to enter the date of birth of the child?


    С) Where are these tabs edited ?:


    D) When logged in how to set the default tab Profile not Activity ?:


    E) How to make so that after registration the user could not change the name and nickname?


    F) How to set up a separate gallery for downloading passport data, only a passport user and administrator have access to this gallery?






    I’ll respond in the same format below for ease of tracking going forward.

    A – I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Can you provide more information and screenshots so I can assist you.

    B – This field is limited by the minimum age a user must be to access your site. To remove or alter the value for this you’ll need to go to WP Admin > Theme Options > BuddyPress > Option: ‘Members search – Inferior age search limit’.

    C – The tabs have no area to be edited via WordPress/BuddyPress because they’re an inherited template for BuddyPress that is generated dynamically from theme files. You can make some changes via CSS or via the template files if copied into the SweetDate Child theme.

    D – You’ll need to be using a bp-custom.php file to achieve this, see here

    Once you have setup this file you can add the below line to make the profile the default tab

    define ( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );

    E – You can’t change your username in WordPress / BuddyPress without serious issues in the database. Users can change their name via their profile by going to Tab: Profile > Sub Tab: Edit.

    F – This data should never be stored this way in WordPress as it is technically accessible to all or most who have even a small amount of knowledge about how WordPress works. I would personally recommend handling this data via a secure third party or at the very least encrypted email.


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    Hello Kieran.
    I’m glad to see you (y)

    А) I mean if the girl was an hour ago, how to make this information available / visible?

    В) changed: but 2019 is not shown: ie necessary so that the candidate could enter the date of birth of his child

    С) you mean “display:none”?

    F) could you tell in which direction to go to study this issue?
    I will be grateful.

    Bug: I wonder where it came from? : /
    *it appears when logged in as a Subscriber, not as Admin



    A – ‘Last active’ is already used on the member profile and member widget (see screenshots).

    B – Change the field to no input, i.e. remove ‘1’. Then purge any server cache like Redis or Varnish and check again.

    C – Yes, if you wish to remove items. If you let me know which items you wish to remove I’ll send you the appropriate CSS.

    F – You should research data protection in your country and maybe consult a lawyer on how you’re required to handle this data.

    G – This notice shouldn’t be displayed and is coming from SweetDate. I’ll pass this on to the developers for you now and a fix will be released in an upcoming version. Thanks for letting us know.

    Edit: G – I have had feedback from the developers who also see the issue. They’ll add a fix in the next release.


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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    B – when changing and clearing the cache last year 2001, 2019 is needed. How to change it?

    С- need to remove “Group” and rename “Friends” to Followers:

    F – the task of how to implement this technically so that only the author of the passport and the administrator have access

    G – I am glad to help!



    B – I’ll run some tests on this locally and see if I can replicate the issue.

    C – To remove the Group tab on the profile please use the below CSS in WP Admin > Appearance > Editor > SweetDate Child > Style.css

    li#groups-personal-li {
        display: none !important;

    Changing the name of an element like this is not related to CSS and you’ll need to do this via a translation plugin, namely Loco Translate. Follow this support article after installing Loco Translate – you should translate both BuddyPress and SweetDate to ensure you catch all references of ‘Friends’ that you wish to change.

    F – That would depend entirely on the advice you receive from a legal professional. Any media you upload directly to WordPress has the opportunity/possibility to be seen by the public and would therefore likely breach data protection in most countries. I cannot advise you on how to technically achieve this as this is a legal matter for your business to resolve and not related to the theme.



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    С – translated the string in the BBP but there is no similar string “friends” in the SweetDate




    C – That’s fine if you don’t find a string in SweetDate too, sometimes strings appear in both, or only in BuddyPress.

    I don’t see the change of friends > followers on the front end. Did you save and sync the changes and then clear all caching?


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    “I don’t see the change of friends > followers on the front end. Did you save and sync the changes and then clear all caching?” – yes, I always do this



    Can you share access with me, in a private reply, so I can check the translations.


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    This reply has been set as private.


    C – I logged in and checked your site – translations are working but you had only translated one word. You should translate all strings of ‘Friend'(s) to ‘Follower'(s) for this to work. I have translated the string of ‘Friends’ that appears within the profile tabs for you already.



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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Kieran, thanks a lot.
    Saw the translation everything is fine.
    Did you translate using “Loco Translate”?



    Yes, I translated all strings with Loco Translate.

    All the best,


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