This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #44171

    Hey guys,

    What is the specific CSS to change just the search bar text color….any test you enter is white…but so is the background of the search bar….so it seems like nothing is happening…

    Inspecting the element with firefox or chrome is confusing me…




    Which search bar? There’s a few different ones.

    If your talking about the Search Form shortcode one like here:

    .kleo-search-form #searchform .input-lg {
    color: red;
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    Sorry…I meant the nav bar one… Like in the attached screenshot.

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    The better question is why is your text white? Do you have a dark header and you set the text to while in Theme Options?

    In any case, try this my friend

    .header-color .form-control:focus, .header-color input[type="text"] {
    color: pink;
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    Brilliance as usual Sharmstr! Thank you so very much for all fo your help. I appreciate it on a high level. Can’t wait to launch my site…getting closer by the day with your help.




    No problem.

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