This topic has 13 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Radu.

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  • #101960


    I have a few problems with my site.

    I want the colour of the text header for the homepage to be white, but for the rest of the pages the text to be black. How can I change that?

    How do I change the text effects from the header? If I put the mouse on one of the menu items it starts to be invisible and I do not want that.

    In the product categories page:

    How do I change some of the sorting options

    How do I move the products tags under the header


    How do I remove the ‘Showing all x number results’

    Kind regards


    Hello, for the first issue please try adding this to style.css of child theme

    .home-page ul#menu-osm-menu a {
        color: black !important;

    Could you explain a bit more the other issues?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Buna Laura,

    Atunci cand pun click-ul pe unul dintre butoanele din meniu acestea devin invizible in cateva secunde. As dori sa scot efectul de la acest text.

    La paginile cu categoriile de produse apare optiunea de sortare. Nu as vrea sa apara sortarea in functie de popularitate si average rating. De asemenea, as dori ca product tags sa fie vizibile sub header si nu in dreapta ecranului.

    Tot la paginile cu categoriile de produse apare ‘SHOWING ALL 1 RESULTS’, respectiv numarul total de produse din categorie. Nu as dori sa apara aceasta optiune.



    De asemenea, as dori sa fie schimbata culoare textului pentru meniu de la restul paginilor si de la homepage sa fie alb.


    I want to make a few updates to my website.

    Regarding the header. There is a text affect on the menu items from the header. Whenever i put the click on it, the menu item starts to disappear in a matter of seconds. How do I remove the text effect?

    Regarding the pages excluding the homepage (eg. ) I want the colour of the text header to be black, not white. How can I change that?

    Regarding the product categories pages (eg. ) I want to the following updates:
    1. Change the position of the product tags from right to under the header
    2. Hide the sentence ‘Showing all x number results’
    3. Remove the following sorting options: Sort by popularity / Sort by average rating
    Kind regards


    Hi Remus,
    First let me thank you for buying one of our theme.
    Second, I’d kindly ask to write your questions in english since not all our members team support speak the Romanian language.

    ps: to settle as quickly as possible please be more specific in your questions and also is important to make difference between real problems, bug issue and custom work requests.

    Best regards,

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Robert - Front-end developer and UI graphics enthusiast.


    Hi Robert,

    Here are the updates that I want to make:

    Regarding the header. There is a text affect on the menu items from the header. Whenever i put the click on it, the menu item starts to disappear in a matter of seconds. How do I remove the text effect?

    Regarding the pages excluding the homepage (eg. ) I want the colour of the text header to be black, not white. How can I change that?

    Regarding the product categories pages (eg. ) I want to the following updates:
    1. Change the position of the product tags from right to under the header
    2. Hide the sentence ‘Showing all x number results’
    3. Remove the following sorting options: Sort by popularity / Sort by average rating

    Kind regards


    Hi Remus,

    Regarding the hover menu item , please use this css snippet

    .kleo-main-header ul li a:hover {
        color: #fff;

    You can replace the #FFF color with your preferred color on menu item hover.

    Regarding the menu items color for entire site except homepage use this

    .kleo-main-header ul li a {color:#333 !important;}
    body.home .kleo-main-header ul li a {color:inherit !important;}

    Product Category Pages

    1. To be clear please provide a screenshot that pointing out exactly where you want to have the product tags

    2. Use this css

    p.woocommerce-result-count {
        display: none;

    3. Use this css

    body.woocommerce select.orderby option[value=popularity] { display:none !important;}
    body.woocommerce select.orderby option[value=rating] { display:none !important;}

    NOTE : The css can be added in wp-admin -> theme options -> general options -> quick css or if you have child theme activated in wp-content/themes/kleo-child/style.css



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    I attached a screenshot regarding the product tags and their place.

    I added the css code regarding the sorting options and the popularity one and the rating one are still visible.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    For that you should create a custom sidebar where you will need to add that widget then in that page will need to call that sidebar.

    Please provide ftp and wp admin



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    With that FTP login i have access nowhere ( i’m into an empty folder )

    Please review that



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Hello Radu,

    Sorry for lateness. How can I make you an FTP login?


    See this official tutorial from

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