This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #64538

    Any change made in Theme Options -> General Settings fails to save. Error message received is, “There was a problem with your action. Please try again or reload the page.”



    Firstly please be sure you have the last version of your theme which is 3.0.2, and after that try to add the following function to your functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'kleo_theme_options_ajax', '__return_false' );

    Let me know if this fixed your issue.

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    I added the code but it was not successful.

    I am unable to make any adjustments to the demo material using the visual composer or make any changes to theme settings. I continue to receive the same error message and nothing will save.

    For example, I attempted to upload a favicon and it will not save. I attempted to modify text and it will not save.


    Can you please provide us credentials to your wp admin area and a ftp account so that we can give a closer look into this issue ?

    Looking forward.

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    Don’t forget the user and the password of your admin account.

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    Fixed, you just had a memory usage limit on your hosting settings. Fixed it from your wp-config file.


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    Wow, awesome. Thanks Andrei.


    Hi, I am having this same problem. Can you help me fix it?


    Hi @calcreate,

    Please give a look at my above given solution or please try to increase your php memory limit:


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    I have changed the wp-config file. Still getting the same error. I don’t have the php.ini file and I tried to change the .htaccess file but then I would get 500 internal server error.


    Then please contact your hosting support and ask them to increase your php memory limit as in the given article because you might not have access to modify it by yourself.


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