This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sachaf.

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  • #42263

    Using the Left Thumb blog layout the featured image is displayed for “standard” and “image” post types. For most of the other post types, a relevant grey icon is displayed instead (e.g. quotation mark for the “quote” post type).

    However, nothing is displayed for “Video” or “Audio” post types… not the featured image nor a grey icon. Is this supposed to function this way?



    These formats are for video or audio because of this featured image does not appear.

    If you want to use that formats you need to add content from media tab below content area ( see screenshot )

    Also audio field is located in media tab bottom.

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    Yeah, the problem was that I hadn’t put any media in the post yet… therefore the blank space.

    It works as intended once an audio file is inserted.

    But that presents another question: If I want all posts to have a featured image in the blog archive, is there an easy way to embed an audio file in a post that has the “standard” format?

    I see there is a video embed component to the visual composer, but can’t find an audio embed.


    The audio embed, are located in Media TAB -> Last field.

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    Yes, Radu, but the post type must be set to audio in order for the audio file added via the Media Tab to be displayed.

    If you set the post type to “standard” (as I described in my previous post) the file isn’t displayed on the page.



    Sorry for misunderstanding,

    Now, you can use standard format and the audio will be displayed below featured image.

    Unrar and upload this file ( content.php ) to you kleo theme directory.

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    Can you please provide admin credentials ?



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    Please update your kleo theme and additional plugins ( K-elements and Visual Composer to latest versions )

    Let me know if the update will solve your issue.



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    i updated K elements, it works. Thank you

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