This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #166796

    Failed to load plugin url:


    Hello ..I get this error message

    See also the picture in the plant .. what can I do ..

    Thanks for your help

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    Hi @Teamseller,

    There does appear to be a continuing language issue with TinyMCE, you should be able to resolve this by doing the following.

    1. Go to, select the translation you’re after, which appears to be DE.
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page after selecting DE and press download.
    3. Unzip the newly downloaded folder, within it you’ll find de.js
    4. Connect via FTP using either software or your host’s file browser tool
    5. navigate to /wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/ and upload the copy of de.js directly into the langs folder
    6. Clear your website cache, browser cache and purge any services like CloudFlare or MaxCDN and try to access the page again

    Hope this helps,



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    Thx but:
    / Wp-includes / js / tinymce / langs /

    Is the wordpress core directory – this is blocked with my hoster also many others for security reasons.



    Fiddling with WordPress core is not the greatest – I agree, but we’re not extending or manipulating it, we’re simply adding a file that should be there and isn’t.

    You should contact your host and ask if they’re willing to add this file for you.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Thanks for the quick reply – my hoster refuses – for security reasons
    I have a possibility – reference to de.js or a different alternative?


    I’m not sure on an alternative to get this working for you.

    You should reach out to TinyMCE directly to see what they say, you can do so here and here They’ll be much better positioned to support you on this matter as it’s their plugin.

    Also you may wish to try the WordPress and BuddyPress forums as they may have representatives within those communities for their plugin.



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