This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #106032

    hi there,

    Total members count on memberspage is off, i found a solution at : but that doesn’t work. Isn’t this done in an update since the proposed solution is from 2014





    Can you please provide more details like :

    1. Page link where the counter doesn’t work

    2. The theme version

    3. How many members it should appear there and how many appears ?

    Let me know


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    A link is not possible bcs its a private site.
    the theme version is the version before the new 4.0

    36 members are showing but there are only 22

    thanks in advance,


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    A cause for this can be next : A registered user who never logged in into account, will be an inactive user and for this reason will not be displayed in directory.

    Try make a new account and you will no login in see if the number of total members will increase and the members from directory remains same (22) if this will happen, just login with that account and check after if in members directory will be 23

    You can try to this : go to wp-admin -> tools -> buddypress -> check the next options

    Count friends for each user
    Count groups for each user
    Count total members
    Repair user “last activity” data

    then -> repair items

    Let me know



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    I counted the total users on the admin dashboard->Users->All and there are in total 24 users.
    I did the tool thingy (recount users) but didn’t work. Its not that important to solve, but it would be nice if it reflect the real number of members 🙂



    The users that not appears in directory are users that have logged in minimum one time ? Only users that has logged more than one time will appear in directory.



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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