This topic has 44 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #131332


    Sorry to bother again, but I’m trying to learn more about the theme on the two day. I have almost completely translated this theme of the field for chinese. But there are several fields that cannot be translated,

    1,This field can be seen by :该项对于谁可见

    2,Comment <span>%s</span>:评论 <span>%s</span>

    Maybe there are other fields. I haven’t found it yet.

    Another problem, I modified some files (elusive-icons.php, lib\options.php, posts-social-share.php), but when I put it in a child-theme, I found that there was no effect.What I did wrong?

    For the last question, I put the following code into the child-theme, but did not change the default avatar,When registering a new user.

    function myavatar_add_default_avatar( $url ){

    return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .’/images/pokerchip.png’;


    add_filter( ‘bp_core_mysteryman_src’, ‘myavatar_add_default_avatar’ );


    please help me out.Thank you!



    Theme strings and plugins strings can easily be changed by using Loco Translate plugin
    <h3>A small introduction on how translations work</h3>
    Translatable strings can come from the theme or from the installed plugins. You need to translate the theme or the plugin depending on what section of the site your string is found.

    For example if your string is on your BuddyPress profile then most probably you will need to translate BuddyPress plugin. If you are on the Forums section of your site then bbPress plugin should be the one that needs to be translated. Another example is the rtMedia plugin that adds the Media links to BuddyPress and if you want to translate it then this plugin will contain the string.
    <h3>Follow these steps to get you started:</h3>

    • Install Loco Translate plugin
    • Go to the plugin dashboard: WP Admin – Tools – Manage translations
    • Find the theme or plugin in the list.
    • If the language isn’t already in the list then click Add new language, choose your language and if you are asked where you want to save the language files choose global language directory ( wp-content/languages/ ).
    • Press SYNC button to synchronise your translation with the provided .pot file
    • Search for the string you want to translate and add your translated string.
    • Press Save when you finished your translation.

    Note: You will have to set the language for your blog from WP-admin – Settings – General – Site Language – Choose your language

    We will check the other issues in order 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hi,miss Laura
    Thanks for reply my ticket.the problem is the pot file is too old,does not include the fields I mentioned, even though I have updated it. And translate these fields in poedit or Loco translatie, it is still not produce results. This is not a big problem, I can translate these fields in the PHP file. but I really need a FAQ module in my site, like:
    It is possible to make this effect by use Kleo? Or any suggestion. expect for you reply。
    Thank you.

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    Hello, please share admin credentials and a list of the words that you need to change, i will check it out for you :))

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    Hello, will assign the ticket to a higher support level who can help and advise you in your query.
    Thanks! ?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂



    The This field can be seen by it’s part of buddypress if you already translated this and the translation it not applies can be possible the po/mo files to be in wrong path.

    The default language files it’s located here : /wp-content/languages/plugins

    Details here :

    The lang files should named like this buddypress-EN_en.po/mo

    For the default avatar problem try to use this function instead :

    In child theme elusive-icons.php and lib\options.php cannot be overwritten. Only post-social-share.php in your case.


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    Sorry, i’ve forgot to respond to you for the faq module question.

    You can use accordions and tabs elements from visual composer to achieve something similar or you can search in wordpress repository for a faq module.


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    Thank you so much for your reply.I’m sure the file position is correct.because most translate worked well,Just some of these have problems.also,this theme can’t translate 100%.hope feature release can be.anyway,Don’t trouble for this problem, I translated in source files.
    avatar,this function not work for me.but I find an other way.thanks for your advise.
    post-social-share.php, You mean just modify this file?and put it in child theme?cause I added some font icons.

    and the FAQ stuff,I’ll try it.thanks for your advise.

    The attachments is translate file,If possible, could you try it? See what’s the problem?But please don’t include in languages folder when a new version release,it’s not prefect for now.thank you very much.

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    Regarding the post-social-share.php file, yes copy it to child and edit it.

    We will test the language file, thanks you !


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    Oh,I see, thank you. I’m looking forward to your test results.




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    any new about this?



    I’ve investigated and regarding that fields that you are not able to translate it…and i saw that fields are related to the BuddyPress, not from kleo_framework where you are trying to translate it, so try to translate in buddypress.po/mo related files


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    Thanks for reply.and yes, absolutely I translate the BuddyPress fields.sorry I didn’t upload BuddyPress.po/mo file last time.please check attachment.seems all the BuddyPress fields in Kleo can’t be translate.Thanks ,please check it for me.
    Have a nice Day.

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    The translations files are ok but i think another it’s the problem, i think the language file path it’s the cause : where are the placed the buddypress mo and po files that you have provided to me ?

    That this should be correct path : /wp-content/languages/plugins if the files are in other path move the files here and check again, if this not makes any difference provide FTP + wp admin credentials to investigate


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    I think that strings are somehow hard coded, tomorrow we will investigate more , please do not change the passwords

    We will let you know


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    Ok,Thank you !I won’t change my password until the problem is resolved.



    The visibility message now it’s translatable there was a wired issue in next update this will be fixed

    Please provide to me a screenshot where i can see the comment string that cannot be translated also the url to the page will be useful


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    Thank you very much!I want to know that are you translate in php files?if so ,I can do it,otherwise please tell me how to deal with it.cause there is a lot strings,And I’m quite ashamed to have to trouble you to translate all strings.And if next update will be fixed ,that’s great,and I think I can wait for next update.Thank you very much,I mean it.



    The problem has been fixed using a function that allows you to have that string “internationalized” so there is no translation in PHP file,I’ve added the missing function that take cares of the string translations, and you should translate fields from wpml string translation.

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    Hi Radu,
    Thank you for reply.can’t find the function that you added.can you tell me where it is. wpml string translation means some wordpress plugins? or something else?Thanks.


    Wpml string translation it’s part of wpml and it’s like a plugin for wpml

    FILE : /wp-content/themes/sweetdate/custom_buddypress/class-bp-tabs.php


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    I prefer to wait for the next update.hope that would be work.thanks.



    I’ve fixed that live on your site when I’ve asked you about FTP details, this will be fixed too on next theme update.


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    OK,great.Do I need to provide other fields that need to be translated?


    Only if that strings are translatable in WordPress default theme and on our theme doesn’t


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    Hi Radu,
    Here is the strings can’t be translate.

    All Members

    All Groups

    My Groups

    This field can be seen by:

    [portfolio settings ][Portfolio Categories][Add New]check pic1


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    sorry I forget add the shortcode strings.the thing is some can translate ,some can’t,and some can’t add into .po file.please check the pictures,and the po file.

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    I cannot view this page :

    IT ask me to log in but you have changed the credentials, please provide the credentials.

    Do you have switched to default WordPress theme and you have notice that strings that you have reported to me are now visible translated ?

    Regarding the K-Elements translations, there will take some time until we made all strings translatable maybe 1 month we will try to do this quicker.


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    Hi ,
    Now you can login as Administrator.



    The buddypress translation has been resolved on your site live and also i’ve added these fixes to our theme and on the next update these will be included.

    For the rest of the strings this will take a while, these has been added to the improovment list and we will let you know when it’s done.


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