October 22, 2013 at 18:06 #4886
Few issues.1. I´m translating this theme to Icelandic and it´s going well, except for few things. Some of the text doesn´t translate, i´ve translated it but it doesn´t show when i go over to the theme. For example, the search text in the sweet date -> buddypress, some of it translates, but text like, “name (requres)”, “Birthday (required)” and some other words doesn´t.
The .po and .mo file are is_IS.2. Is it possible to set another “home” page when logged on, instead of the classical frontpage which unregistered users get. The logged on users shouldn´t have to see the frontpage, they should get who´s online or something like that?
3. My understanding was, that i could make my own search options instead of using predefined search fields? If that´s possible, where do i add new search results in the Search form customization?
It would be much more practical if you would allow the admins to create the Search form customization. You could just allow the admin to add custom fields into user profiles and those files would appear under Search form customization.October 23, 2013 at 00:37 #4926SQadmin
1.You need to add those fields directly in your language from Users – Profile fields.2. You should try doing it with a Login redirect plugin or something.
3. Add you own fields from Users – Profile fields. Then use them in the form in Sweetdate – Buddypress
Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solutionOctober 23, 2013 at 18:33 #4968valli
ParticipantThank you for the reply! 🙂
1. The translation of the buddypress fields isn´t the only thing i´m having difficulties translating. For example,if i go to the Album, and the test that appears when you don´t have any photos “You don’t have any photos yet. Why not upload some!”, i´ve already translated that but it doesn´t show up, this isn´t the only text i´ve translated that doesn´t work. By the way, i can´t seem to find “album” in any language translation files, what plugin or part of buddypress / Sweet Date hosts the language files for the album section? Plus, i think i´ve translated the “about me” heading in the profile view, but it still shows “about me”, and also “name” and so on… could it be stored somewhere else, i´ve seen it in the language file for Sweet Date.
2. Would it be possible to add some kind of login redirect into Sweet Date in the future or rather, do you have something like that planned for future releases?
October 24, 2013 at 14:16 #5037SQadmin
1. bpAlbum translation files reside in sweetdate/framework/inc/bp-album/languages
You need to copy the bp-album folder to your computer and translate it with Poedit.
Thanks for noticing this, I see that it doesn’t get translated. To fix it please replace this file: wp-content/themes/sweetdate/framework/inc/bp-album/includes/bpa.core.php
with the content form this one:
https://archived.seventhqueen.com/files/bpa.core.txtIf you are using a child theme put the .mo and .po in sweetdate-child/languages/
The file name should follow this example: bp-album-en_US.mo or bp-album-fr_FR.mo2. That won’t work for anyone so you need to make yourself this customization. You can read this topic to redirect users to their profile: https://archived.seventhqueen.com/forums/topic/redirect-user-to-their-profile-after-login
search wordpress forums for extra info or try microlancer for custom workThanks
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