This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #11510

    I have added the api key and my login info… but the upgrade otption is not showing up for theme?


    Are you sure you enter the Envato API Key? Try to force the Update Check in WordPress, in the Update Section. Where do you get you API Key From? Do you get it from here?

    (you must replace your-user-name to your envato username in order to acess that page)

    You can always download again the package, it will be the updated version download, and update the theme manually, like the documentation says:

    If you wish to upgrade via FTP, you can do the following:

    Open your FTP client and connect to your server.
    Locate the theme in the themes directory e.g. ‘/wp-content/themes/kleo‘
    Make a backup if needed by downloading the current version of the Theme to your computer.
    Upload the new kleo folder to the exact same directory, overwriting the existing files.
    When completed, the new version will be active.


    Yes I got it from there… created a fresh one and it still did not work… I then upgraded the old fashion way like you said and now broke the post grid feature… its not showing the post grids.. so all the post grids I had setup… are not showing as grids ( see post grids here ) & here…. if I upgraded to old fashion way… do we also have to upgrade the other plugins the old fashion way?


    If you cant upadte the Theme via WordPress Updates Panel, you have to manually upload it via FTP Programs like filezilla, dreamweaver, ultraedit, whatever program you are using with FTP upload and update capabilities.

    The Plugins are different. You can upload it via FTP also, like stated in the documentation of this Theme. Or you can install the Plugins automatically via the Plugins Section of WordPress. Just delete the plugins and then the WordPress will issue a warning at the top saying that the Theme requires the Plugins to be installed and will give you a button to install it automatically.

    For the Post Grid feature to work, you have to go to “Settings – Reading – A static page (select below)” And define/choose the “Posts page” as: Blog


    Hi, Thanks Jonaro for detailed instructions 🙂

    For the Blog posts to show as grid in the Blog page make sure to set the Masonry layout in Theme options – Blog – Display type*

    Also please update the K-Elements plugin since right now it is now upgrading automatically. The archive is in the package downloaded from Themeforest under Plugins folder

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