This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #68321

    Hi there,

    We just updated KLEO nd Visual Composer, now all of our custom CSS doesn’t work. We’d been using a plugin called Royal Custom CSS that worked perfectly, but can see now that there’s a spot in Visual Composer where one can jam in custom CSS. So, on one of our pages, we did that – added in our CSS and nothing, nada.

    Actually, it IS showing up when you ‘view source’ on our pages, but the browser does not render it. Here’s a case in point:

    That page is supposed to have a background image displaying. If you:


    You will see that our style sheet is definitely getting called, with the code that has heretofore always worked to display that background, like so:

    body {

    background-image:url( !important;

    So, we’re wondering WTF is wrong, and WTF we should do about it. We don’t like the idea that when we do an upgrade on KLEO, it almost always results in something like this.



    P.s. We’re also experiencing a bug where if we use the native video player, it displays a top-gap above the player of about 300 px. For no reason.


    Hello, do you have child theme activated? You can add custom css to child theme style.css, you do not need to update child theme, just main theme, so css wont be lost

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    @Laura – We have many front end pages that are custom CSS, the css is unique to each page. Our home page, for instance, has a different style than our ‘bio’ page. We are essentially doing a CSS include on each of those pages, as some have different backgrounds (and other style elements) than others.


    Oh, and yes -@Laura – we have the child theme activated. The parent theme is Kleo 3.0.4


    Any thoughts on this one, @sharmstr ?


    @Laura – We’re still stuck here! HELP! 🙂


    Move any of your custom css to the “wp-content/themes/kleo-child/style.css” file and you shouldn’t have any sort of issues with it.


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    @Andrei – maybe I’m not describing the problem correctly. We have custom CSS that’s discreet to specific pages, so adding that CSS in to the QuickCSS or to that one style.css file isn’t going to cut it.

    Kleo/VisualComposer has a spot for custom CSS that’s specific to one page (in the ‘gear’ icon near the top of the visual editor), but adding our CSS in to that area when editing a page does not succeed in styling the page.


    A better way to do it would be to just add an extra class to the element you want to style and put your css styling rules in the recommended file, it’s the safest way.


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    @Andrei – well, all we really need to do is have a unique full page background image for each page. Is there a better (read: easier) way to do that than in QuickCSS?


    Each page should have a custom class added to the body tag ( ), so you could try to make your css relative to that class, this way you can keep your css in the file I’ve recommended.


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