This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #42399

    Hello, I have a fairly straightforward question:

    Is the userID posted on the profile page and what is the $_GET value for it?

    I’m using a plugin called Formidable Pro to allow users to add fields to their profile pages. Formidable Pro’s support has been guiding me through the process, but say that I need to be able to access the userID from the profile page in order to pass the userID to the plugin.

    Thank you!


    Assuming you are using buddypress $bp->displayed_user->id will get you the user ID of the profile you are looking at.

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    Just so I understand your requirement…. The built in x-profile wont work for you because you want to give your member the ability to add whatever field they want instead of filling out pre-defined fields?

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    Thanks for the quick response.

    Well, the idea is that I would have two levels of membership.
    The first level would be for normal users, the second for admins.

    So if a normal, registered user wants to become an admin, they would have to fill out an additional form with extra bio fields. After they submit the form, I could either approve it, or deny it. If I approve it, I would change the user type, and by using Formidable Pro, approve the form. At that point the extra fields would be added to the user profile.


    Ahh. Okay. More complex than I thought. Most of what you need to know will be in the Buddypress codex: Good luck.

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