This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #17499

    First of all: Thank you guys for this great theme, you really did an awesome job!

    I’m running a social network with buddypress and social articles installed.
    Users can create an article which appears on my homepage. This works so far.
    But i’ve got several issues:

    – Please see the image attached. I want to remove the fields 1, 2 & 3 so that the user has less settings when posting an article.

    – is there the possibility to add a field which says “price” and so the user only has to type in his amount. In the posted article the price the should be highlighted (bold, bigger font, etc.)

    – Can i change the size of an image in an article? It’s too big.

    – How can the user add more than one image? With the revolution slider? How do i integrate the slider into the article template? I want the template to be prepared perfectly so that the user can’t change anything in the appearence of an article. How do i change this template?

    – Another issue: I need the name of the author in every article, not only under the thumbnail in my blog grid. Other users reading an article must have the ability to enter the users profile and send him a message.

    – Can i place a link directly in the menu to post a new article for registered users?

    – When a user registers for a new account he gets the email with the confirmation link. But after confirming he is a pending user in my dashboard waiting to be activated. How can i change that a new user is activated directly after confirming the link?

    A lot of questions… i know…
    Thank you guys!

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    i solved this issue:
    – When a user registers for a new account he gets the email with the confirmation link. But after confirming he is a pending user in my dashboard waiting to be activated. How can i change that a new user is activated directly after confirming the link?

    other problems aren’t solved yet




    Some of the plugins in this list will help with some of your requirements:

    For example, there’s a plugin in that list that will link all usernames (eg. author of blog post) to their BP profile rather than WP author page.


    thanks guy_fraser, i’ll try some of these


    Hi @makiL
    Try contacting the plugin developer for Social Articles related settings.
    Not to have the image stretch on the whole container, add this css in Theme options – Quick css:

    img.attachment-kleo-full-width {
        width: auto;

    If you are referring to Social articles then I don’t think you can add more images, ask the developer

    The name of the author should appear also in the single article page, to the left of the image

    Edit the menu from WP admin – Appearance – Menus


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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