This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #37581

    I thought I’d take a second to explain how to set up a portfolio based site which uses the portfolio archive as your homepage.

    First thing you want to do is create the homepage. Personally I’m using a customized version of the Home Portfolio Full-Width template. Here’s the steps to create it

    Go to WP Admin – Appearance – Kleo Demo Data
    Import: Specific Page
    Homepage: Home Portfolio Full-Width
    Click Import demo data
    Go to WP Admin – Pages and click on Portfolio Fullwidth Overlay
    Change the title and permalink to home
    Set the page to display anything you want. I’ve added a tag cloud and instagram feed (Instagram Feed Plugin), but you can add anything you want. Remember to set the Theme General Settings if you want to hide the title, change the logo, have a transparent menu, etc…
    Update the page.

    Next, set up the Portfolio settings
    Go to WP Admin – Theme Options – Portfolio
    If you want to rename Portfolio, do that now (hint: you have to have Custom page turned off to do this). Click save.
    Turn on Custom page for Portfolio Archive and select Home (the page you just created).
    Click Save Changes.

    Next, tell WordPress to use Home as your front page
    Go to WP Admin – Settings – Reading
    Select A static page
    Set Front page to Home (again, the page you created)
    Click Save Changes

    Lastly, we need to reset the permalinks
    Go to WP Admin – Settings – Permalinks
    Click Save Changes (that’s right, you dont actually have to change anything, just click save).

    That’s it.

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    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this.

    Moved it to FAQ 🙂

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hey guys, anyway to use make the portfolio-hosted-video-fullwidth template as my homepage, I really need the fullwidth video section with the controls etc.

    I want to know how to make this portfolio template in a page or make it my homepage as a portfolio post.


    Sort of confused as to what you really want. If you dont want/need portfolios and just want to use the layout:

    Edit your home-video portfolio page. Switch to classic view, then click on text. Copy everything in the editor box. Then create a new page, paste that code into the editor. Save it. Then go to wp admin – settings – reading and set your home page to the page you just created.

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    And in case anyone else comes across this. The portfolio layouts aren’t specific to portfolios. Portfolios are a custom post type. The layouts are just collections of VC/Kleo shortcodes that work on Posts, Pages and custom posts types.

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    Hey Sharmstr, I did try that however there are some menu’s that are only on the portfolio template that effect the way the video appears, will have a look and make sure I had them turned on in the screen options.

    My issue with just copying and pasting into a page is that I can’t find a full-width page template option on the page itself, do I need to import some demo content and adjust that? Sorry if you mentioned this already, just have a million tasks on the go.


    Ahhh. Okay. I see an issue. Let me speak to @abe about this. Even I’m confused about the hosted video options on “Pages”. Let me get back to you on this.

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    Okay, I’ve confirmed with @abe that the media section in theme general settings at the page level has been disabled in a recent update. He’s going to bring that back in the next update. No ETA.

    However, you can do what you want using a single slide Rev Slider.

    Admittedly, its not a great solution due to the lack of a play button in the middle of the video and the controls aren’t ideal, but if you can live with that until its added back to the theme, then use the attached slider I’ve created for you.

    Import the slider.
    Edit the slide so that it points to your video.
    Copy the VC code from the portfolio page into a new page as instructed before.
    Switch to backend editor and put a row at the top.
    Add the Rev Slider to it.

    Be sure that you DONT fill out the media section in Theme General Settings on the page. Wait until those are enabled again in the theme. Once they are, just delete the rev slider row.

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    Any news on when this update will be available, or a way to do it manually? It’s pretty urgent for us, your page is 404 on that other example, although I have played around with the slider video and wasn’t happy with the way it resized on larger screens and the muted sound default play mode.


    Please update the files from the attached archive so you can enable showing media on pages from Theme options – Pages

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    Thanks @abe. *high five*

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    Hi for the video poster on pages to work update this file content please wp-content/themes/kleo/content-page.php with the content from the one attached

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    Great! Thank-you. Once again awesome support.


    with pleasure 😉

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hey Sorry to be a pest, my host has advised that I move away from the self-hosted video option and use the oembed youtube option your theme provides, however the drop down option box is not on the page patch that you gave me. Are you able to add the youtube ombed option soon for the homepage template?


    It is there. See the printscreen

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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