This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #30669


    I have an post with a video that has good image in featured image (media libray ->ok).
    but not visible in video list ??


    For video posts, you dont set the video in ‘featured image’. You set it in “Theme General Settings”. See attached. It shows an example of a youtube video, but there are boxes there for your self hosted videos as well.

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    Thanks but i did not very well explained

    I do not want to use the video field Kleo theme, but the ACF field video because i use other information
    On some themes it works but not on kleo.

    Ideally, a recognition by the theme but at least if I can generate the image “Featured Image” * (media), how is it possible that the theme displays thumbnails in the list of posts

    * Possible with another plugin ( to generate thumbnails including “Featured Image”


    Sorry, I’m not quite following. If you set the post format to video, it will not use the image in featured image. What happens when you set the post format to “standard”?

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    Ah actually I had not spoken.
    Before I set post_format = “video” -> no thumbnail display
    Now I just put post_format = “” -> display thumbnail -> 🙂

    But I put the video in post_format because I have several ACF fields (video, author …) and benefit the style for post_format = “video” !!


    Okay. Well, I was trying to make it easy 🙂

    You’ll have to customize /kleo/page-parts/post-content-masonry.php. I haven’t tested this, but try putting the attached file in /kleo-child/page-parts/post-content-masonry.php. Remember to change the txt extension to php.

    Let me know if that works.

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    It works-)
    You are awesome.
    It was simple but it had to find.
    If I understand you removed in this page, all content related to the case

    box ‘video’:
    box ‘image’:




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