This topic has 27 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Abe.

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  • #56814


    I’m having an issue with another plugin and I’m being told by their support team that WordPress 4.2 “produced some issues in the link selector APIs of Visual Composer” and that the latest release should fix that.

    I just downloaded the most recent version of Kleo (v. 2.4.3) but it contains Visual Composer 4.4.3. I’m wondering when we will have access to Visual Composer 4.5?

    Thank you in advance.


    4.5 is available in the next Kleo release. I dont know an ETA for that.

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    Can you please explain to me why it is necessary to wait until the next Kleo update with no determined date?

    One of the reasons I was willing to pay the cost of the Kleo template was because it included the plugins. Now I’m sitting on something that is broken and has a fix but I don’t have access to it.


    I’ve copied the 7th Queen team on this to see if they have an ETA.

    With that said, Kleo customizes several VC shortcodes. All of those have to be fully tested before they can release it. They’ve only had 2 days so far for testing.

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    Okay. I was under the impression that nothing was being done. I understand now. Thank you for explaining.


    You’re welcome.

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    hi, i have problem with link on button 2

    please let me know when you will release new version of kleo bundled with new vc ?

    best, tunggul


    Kleo will be released until 20th of May

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Also button 2 element is deprecated in 4.5 so you are advised to use the button element.

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    What a shame that they’re getting rid of button 2! Is that true for the full VC plugin or for the VC that comes packaged with the Kleo theme?
    And will it adversely effect button 2s already in the site?


    VC combined the buttons into a single shortcode. Dont panic.

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    Thanks – panic over!


    Hi there,
    any news on that update?
    I’m considering buying VC directly to get sooner updates and support from their team, but not sure if it’s a good idea for possible compatibility issues with Kleo…


    Its coming soon. Last time I talked to them they were sorting out a few more things. Plus we’ve ID some rtMedia 3.8 issues that need to be sorted.

    Kleo customizes VC to the extent that running newer versions than the one provided with Kleo will probably break functionality.

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    Thanks @sharmstr
    We are trying to release the update this week. I have attached the the VC 4.5 to use it until then.

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    So installing 4.5 will “probably” break Kleo, but you still provide it to us?
    Not sure if it’s safe to do so or not…


    It won’t break but some elements compatibilities won’t be available until the theme release. I though you needed VC 4.5 and that is why I attached it.

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    Thanks, i’ll wait until theme release to make sure all functionalities are operational.


    I’m running into a problem with creating links. I hit the link icon and the page freezes. It was happening with VC 4.3 so I upgraded to 4.5.1 (with your link above) and it’s still not working.


    @melward – what version of Kleo are you running?

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    @sharmastr 2.4.3 with the attached plugins

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    1 – What link icon?

    2 – Do you have enough memory allocated to WP?

    3 – Does this happen using backend editor?

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    So, are you saying that it happens with the standard WP editor, regardless of VC?

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    @sharmstr – yes, but only with the theme Kleo active


    Please wait for 3.0 update coming today and see how it goes after update since I tested and the link button works

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    @abe – I am still having an issue with editing and the visual composer. THe backend editor doesn’t even load anymore and the front end editor does not allow me to create links. Are there any known plugin conflicts?


    Hmm.. please make sure you are using latest version 4.5.2 and also try to disable some other plugins you have installed to see if they cause any trouble.

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