This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by SQadmin.

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  • #16448

    I just purchased a couple of plugins. The core plugin for VC and Ultimate Add Ons for VC.

    Everything works great, but the Row Backgrounds. Currently I have two rows, both have different custom backgrounds. However, the second row background overrides the first row background. Even covering some of the elements.

    Looking into it, I believe it may be a customization of the theme and VC? Like your shortcodes are messing with the z-index of the VC add on?

    Not sure, but I love the Ultimate Add on for VC and considering it’s part of this theme, I would LOVE to get it working!

    Thanks guys.


    Is my post being overlooked, seeing many later posts receive attention. Understandably you guys are busy, but as are we, and I’m trying to launch a company using the theme I’ve purchased.


    Hi, we just had some delays these days, thanks for your patience. Can you share a link to that page?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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    In regards to my ‘Home’ page, if I switch to the WP 2014 theme, the Ultimate Add on row backgrounds populates correctly. Just something I tested, not sure if that helps.


    Hi, I just looked over it and seems you have some differences from the original styles. Can you please re aupload de default plugin styles so I can check what else can cause the problem?


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    Got it, re uploaded the Ultimate Add on plugin for VC. You can now see the conflict between your Kleo theme as opposed to everything working correctly in the WP 2014 theme.


    Hi, we’ve created a custom page and did some tests with this, see if it’s ok now SQ test page


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    Hey Robert, works like a charm. Thank you for your support. May I ask, what was the issue. Just trying to learn what I can. Thanks again!


    Hi, I waited to ask me 😉
    In admin – Theme options/General settings/Quick css box I added this line to make them compatible with the theme. I hope will be ok and not affect other section/elements on the site since I did not have enough time to fully tested. If so, please report us anything.

    .article-content .container-wrap { position: relative; }

    Best regards,

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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