This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Kieran.

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  • #142973


    I have a message in my WP Admin Dashboard that asks me to register Visual Composer to get updates. Since the plugin came bundled with the theme, how do I do that?



    Hi @jwchameleoncorp,

    You can safely ignore the message as you received Visual Composer with Kleo. You will continue to receive updates for Visual Composer through Kleo by going to Appearance > Install Plugins. You’ll be able to see there when you have updates for any bundled plugin.



    Sweeeeet! Thanks @kieran


    Hi @Kieran

    Just following up on this.

    I visited Appearance > Install Plugins, but Visual Composer is not listed, even though I use it right now with the theme. See attached snapshot.

    Am I doing something wrong?


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    Hi @jwchameleoncorp,

    You’ll only see it listed when you have an update or do not have it installed.



    Okay, thanks!


    I have Visual Composer 4.x which came with my kleo theme, and Visual Composer is up to version 5.x. However, Visual Composer is now showing up in my install plugins list.

    I installed kleo tonight.

    Does it take time for the update to show up?


    Hi @myke,

    The version that currently ships with Kleo is 4.12.1 which up until 9th September was the most up to date version. Updates for Visual Composer are pushed when the Kleo theme updates, I don’t know when the next update is due but it will likely include 5.0

    To make sure you get updates you should enter your ThemeForest username and API key into Theme Options > Theme Update.


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