This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by shuta0331.

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  • #47542

    I am totally confused. I was working with Kleo Posts Grid within my main section and I cannot for the life of me understand where it is pulling all the colors from. If I use the grid, some sort of purple highlighting is showing that doesn’t exist anywhere in any styling options in theme settings. Also, if I use small left thumb, I can’t figure out how to change the “read more” link text color or anything else.

    Help please! Thanks.


    Can you send me a link so I can see this mystery purple?

    Wait, are you talking about the left border of the title? If so, that purple means its a standard post, blue is for video posts, green is for sliders, and orange is for images. So if you want to get rid of the border, try something like.

    .masonry-listing .format-gallery .post-title, .masonry-listing .format-standard .post-title, .masonry-listing .format-image .post-title, .masonry-listing .format-video .post-title, .masonry-listing .format-image .post-title, .masonry-listing .format-audio .post-title {
    border-left: none !important;

    Here’s the selector for the read more.

    .post-footer span.muted.pull-right {
    color: purple;
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    Ahhhh … that is it, and makes sense now. I thought I was going crazy since I couldn’t find purple anywhere in the styling options. Knowing it is hard coded makes me feel a little better.


    Probably seeing a page with different types of posts helps too:

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    Thanks sharmstr!


    I edited “app.css” .
    But not changed.
    Do you know what is wrong?

    /* Post Standard */
    .masonry-listing .format-standard .post-title {
    border-left: 3px solid #8a52ad;

    /* Post Standard */
    .masonry-listing .format-standard .post-title {
    border-left: none !important;


    1 – you shouldnt be editing app.css since it will be overwritten during kleo updates.

    2 – Unless you have development mode turned on in theme options, app.css doesnt load. app.min.css does.

    3 – Put css changes in theme options > general > quick css

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact



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