This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #135984

    Hello Kleo team,


    This is the 3rd ticket I opened, I’m sorry for the hassle!

    But something strange happened, a white gap appeared on top of every page, including the wordpress dashboard and on the “view source” page … and my header is not sticky anymore (while it’s configured as being sticky).

    I have the same installation on 2 sites (one I can show to the client and one I can work with) and the problem occured only on one.

    I’ve tried removing all my customization and disabling the plugins I had installed but with no success.

    I’ve tried comparing the 2 sites and I can’t explain the difference.

    Would you have encountered this issue already? I’ve tried checking on the forum and on external sites but I can’t find anything.


    I would appreciate if you could give me a hand in understanding what happened.






    I see at the start of the html in your page this character

    If you said that you have tried all .. try to re-upload again the theme files over the existing one by overwrite them.

    Let me know


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Ok, I’ve tried to re-upload all the theme files and override them but it didn’t solve the issue.
    Something I hadn’t tried was to disable Buddypress because the issue didn’t start before today and I hadn’t touched the plugin at all, but it seems to be coming from it.
    I’ve disabled all the plugin but buddypress and the issue continues. If I enable all my plugin but buddypress, the issue is gone…
    I’ve tried deleting it and re-installing it, downloading it from the site and upload it again, but I still have the same issue.
    The strange thing is thyat, on my other site it’s not creating any issue.
    Do you have any idea what it could be?


    In the end, I duplicated my other site and copied it and the issue is gone.
    I’m still wondering though, not knowing where the issue is coming from will make it difficult to fix if it happens again. In case you have any idea of what would create that problem, please let me know.
    Thanks for having checked!



    That code means a ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE :

    This is so odd, from what users said in the StackOverflow link somewhere it’s a space but you haven’t changed the files… try to re-install WordPress from wp-admin -> dashboard ->

    If you de-activate child theme something happens ? do you have any update available for plugins ? update them.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Indeed I haven’t changed the files, it’s really strange and it was the second time it happened.
    The first time was at the beginning of the development of the site and i just started over.
    This time, I deleted the site and re-uploaded my backup, which solved the issue.
    I’m not sure I understand why this happened.
    Anyway, my site is fixed thanks to the backup and i thank you very much for checking!


    You’re welcome

    It’s hard to debug this… it can takes from some hours to days…

    Backup your site periodically…


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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