This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #61357

    Hello there,

    There seems to be something wrong with my Buddypress Members widget’s, when used inside Visual Composer’s Widgetised Sidebar. If I just use the right side bar the page looks great but inside the VC sidebar the sidebar elements look terrible.

    Here is an example of what I mean

    Looks great

    Looks terrible inside widgetized sidebar

    Do you have some suggestion for a fix for this because it should work either way?

    Pls advise.


    Strange. Works fine on my Kleo 2.4.3 and Kleo 3 test site. See attached.

    What version of VC do you have installed?

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    Hmmm interesting… I am using Version 4.4.3 VC and Kleo Version: 2.4.3 Ah perhaps I need to upgrade my Kleo version I will try that.


    Nope it seems 2.43 is the latest available for download..where can I download 3?


    I am running multisite I wonder if that might be the difference? The other sites have different themes. But that shouldn’t matter should it?


    Nope. My site is multisite. Kleo 3.0 isnt out yet.

    Look for plugin conflicts that might be overriding the css. Or, if you have it, clear your server cache and/or CDN.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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