This topic has 38 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 11 years by dentwo.

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  • #537

    I use wpml program to translate the site. I like when i have the signs on top with the languages. I start to tranlate all the pages i have or you created. BUT how i translate the profile fields in my language (greek) without lost the english version because maybe somepeople likes to work in english and not in greek. And in the admin page of sweetdate i want to have and both version. What you recommend to me to do..
    Thank’s a lot for your attention!



    You can set the style for the language switcher to be a dropwdown from WPML. I guess it looks nicer.
    You should let the defined profile fields in english and then translate them using WPML string translation.

    In admin you can select your language form your Profile

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    Maybe this plugin can help you also :

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    Hi there,

    BuddyPress Multilingual is currently under heavy development (as told me from WPML). There will be a new version supporting BuddyPress 1.7+ but they could not tell me how long it will take but they are working on this since a while… so I hope it will be this month 🙂

    And they also completely rewrite the WooCommerce plugin to make the whole process a lot easier (this is already in beta test)…


    I using WPML string translation BUT i can’t find the words Man, Woman…. i see with mozila source explorer that they are must be in one file with the name program and the WPML don’t work with this. With many other words the translation works as i expect.
    I have try to change from the Admin bat the language to greek in the profile fields but the group and the others don’t change, remain the same…
    Thanks for your attention…


    Those fields come from the database and since they are added as english I have tried to add the generated string into a translation function. That means that you will have to translate all fields that are added as option to the fields.

    I have added this in v.14 which is coming today those

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    You can try with the new v1.4 and see if those profile fields appear in WPML strings

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    Hi there

    I also have an issue with Buddypress profile fields label translations, when I add new fields.

    I tried many tricks including WPML and Buddypress Multilingual plugin but nothing works so far.

    Would it be a solution to use a (not used) profile field coming from the database and rename it ? Or please can you explain how to add new profile fields in the Sweetdate tables.

    Thanks for your support.


    What we tested and worked are the labels in the search form. We did this using WMPL string translation. You should add you fields in english to from admin and they should appear in the WPML string translation.
    Other generated labels from profile area depend on how buddypress generates them.

    We will do some tests also with Buddypress Multilingual.

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    I did several tests with WPML but it didn’t work : I created new profile fields from WP admin, but they don’t appear in WPML string translation…

    Same pb for the “text before form”, I don’t see it in the string translation…

    Any idea how I could make it work ?
    Replace existing Profile fields instead of creating new ones ?



    By default Buddypress doesn’t wrap the field name in a translation function so this will do the trick so your field names would appear under WMPL string translation:
    Add this code to your sweetdate-child/functions.php file and make sure to have the sweetdate-child theme active:

    add_filter('bp_get_the_profile_field_name', 'kleo_translated_profile_name');
    function kleo_translated_profile_name($name) {
    return __($name,'buddypress');
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    Unfortunately it still doesn’t work for me.

    – I added your function to the child theme functions.php
    – activated the child theme
    – added a new Buddypress profile field

    But it still doesn’t show up in the WPML string translation…

    Did you manage to do the same test ?



    Hi again,

    I guess I understood why it didn’t work for me.

    You need to check the WPML option “Auto Register strings” in the String Translation menu…

    I still have a few bugs to solve. For ex. a select field displayed on the home page (search form) will display the right translated select menu values, whereas the user profile page won’t…


    Instead adding those lines of code I gave you try to do this change in Buddypress core and see if it changes something:

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    So in conclusion this solution worked for us:
    – WPML plugin
    – WMPL String translation plugin
    – From WPML -> String Translation -> Auto-register strings only when logged in as an administrator
    – Make this core Buddypress change as in here:
    – Browse trough the site so the strings get registered

    If you update Buddypress you need to do the core change again.

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    Thanks… looks like it works !

    I also added Buddypress Multingual : to allow users to edit their profile fields in the right language.

    Now I guess the only remaining string I could not translate is the text “before” and “after” search form, that you can edit from the theme admin. Any idea how I could do this ?

    You guys got my 4 stars for your support !


    Please replace the contents of this file: sweetdate/custom_buddypress/kleo-bp-search.php with this:

    4 is good, 5 would be great
    Just kidding. Thanks

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    Works perfect.

    You won another star for rating 😉


    Awesome. Thanks

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    Sorry I have to re-open this post 😉

    Buddypress profile field names now translates well with WPML, but field values don’t… Should I register a new core function to handle them ?

    Any suggestion ?


    I don’t think that should be translated but you can try modifying the same core file:

    	function bp_get_the_profile_field_value() {
    		global $field;
    		$field->data->value = bp_unserialize_profile_field( $field->data->value );
    		return apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', $field->data->value, $field->type, $field->id );


    	function bp_get_the_profile_field_value() {
    		global $field;
    		$field->data->value = __(bp_unserialize_profile_field( $field->data->value ));
    		return apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', $field->data->value, $field->type, $field->id );
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    Thanks, we’re close…

    After applying your change to Buddypress core file fields values appear translated in the theme search forms, but not in :
    Register page
    Edit profile page

    Is this handled by Buddypress or by the theme ?


    That is handled by also by Buddypress. They can’t appear translated there since they need to be inserted first and then display the translated version, so original remains in the default language

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    I don’t get it. In the Edit profile page, fields are already inserted when you modify them…

    Plus same fields (“Month of birth”) in my case shows translated in the Sweedate search forms, but not in the Buddypress pages…

    If you have any proposal that would really help. Thanks again.


    Tough thing with translating inserted values but try modifying another core file: buddypress/bp-xprofile//bp-xprofile-classes.php at function get_value_byid()
    modify return $data;
    with return __($data, ‘buddypress’);

    Should work.

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    Unfortunately that one didn’t make it…

    The (select menu) field still shows in original language, and also loses index value (December switched to default January)
    It’s hard to believe Buddypress doesn’t handle properly field values…!

    Thanks for your help, let me know if you have any other proposal please.


    Revert the previous solution if it didn’t worked and try editing the buddypress/bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-template.php and replace:
    line 513

    $html .= apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_options_select', '<option' . $selected . ' value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $options[$k]->name ) ) . '">' . esc_attr( stripslashes( __($options[$k]->name )) ) . '</option>', $options[$k], $field->id, $selected, $k );

    line 552

    $html .= apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_options_multiselect', '<option' . $selected . ' value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $options[$k]->name ) ) . '">' . esc_attr( stripslashes( __($options[$k]->name )) ) . '</option>', $options[$k], $field->id, $selected, $k );

    line 578

    $html .= apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_options_radio', '<label><input' . $selected . ' type="radio" name="field_' . $field->id . '" id="option_' . $options[$k]->id . '" value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $options[$k]->name ) ) . '"> ' . esc_attr( stripslashes( __($options[$k]->name )) ) . '</label>', $options[$k], $field->id, $selected, $k );

    line 618

    $html .= apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_options_checkbox', '<label><input' . $selected . ' type="checkbox" name="field_' . $field->id . '[]" id="field_' . $options[$k]->id . '_' . $k . '" value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $options[$k]->name ) ) . '"> ' . esc_attr( stripslashes( __($options[$k]->name )) ) . '</label>', $options[$k], $field->id, $selected, $k );

    The lines might not be the same but you’ll see something similar that gets replaced

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    Hello I have a similar problem.
    I need to translate profile fields.
    I followed all these steps:
    – WPML plugin
    – WMPL String translation plugin
    – From WPML -> String Translation -> Auto-register strings only when logged in as an administrator
    – Make this core Buddypress change as in here:
    – Browse trough the site so the strings get registered

    It does not work.
    What should I do?

    here is what I have:
    – wpml 2.9.3
    – wpml string translation 1.9
    – buddypress 1.8.1
    – buddypress multilingual 1.4.2
    everything is updated to the latest version!!

    please help, I dont know what to do…


    Those should appear, at least it appeared in our tests and @sv1aud
    Maybe you haven’t made the core changes to Buddypress right?

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    yes I finally cancelled my BP core code changes, as it didn’t work

    On my side I could translate all profile fields.
    Did you install the BP multilingual plugin ?



    here is what I did. I opened buddypress bp-xprofile-template.php and changed from this

    function bp_the_profile_field_name() {
    echo bp_get_the_profile_field_name();

    function bp_get_the_profile_field_name() {
    global $field;

    return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_name’, $field->name );

    To this:

    function bp_the_profile_field_name() {
    echo bp_get_the_profile_field_name();

    function bp_get_the_profile_field_name() {
    global $field;
    $f_name = __( $field->name, ‘buddypress’ );
    return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_name’, $f_name );

    Nothing changed.

    I have BP multilingual plugin activated.

    In my wpml strings I did not find any new string…


    Any help on this?


    Hi, I checked again and worked when I applied the fix that is specified here:

    You have to :
    – let WPML to handle the strings translations from WPML – Theme and plugins localization
    – Auto-register strings only when logged in as an administrator from WPML – Strings Translation

    Then I went to my profile, switched to my secondary language and that done it.

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    Ok I solved the problem. I report here for the others who might find the same problem.

    I updated both wpml plugin and wpml strings translation plugin (they ware out-dated)

    I switched the theme to the default wp theme.

    I clicked on “translate with WPML”

    and it worked.

    Then I turned Sweetdate child theme back and run the scan for new strings to be translated.

    It worked fine.

    A little bit tricky but effective so far.

    Thank you for your support!


    i tried all the methods stated above and still can’t get buddy press to recognise the profile field values so that i can translate it using WPML ….

    any help is appreciated

    This reply has been set as private.

    This solution worked for us:
    Install this plugins:
    – WPML plugin
    – WMPL String translation plugin
    – Buddypress Multilingual
    – From WPML -> String Translation -> Auto-register strings only when logged in as an administrator
    – Make this core Buddypress change as in here:
    – Browse trough the site so the strings get registered. Try switching the site language when you are viewing your profile to the other language

    If you update Buddypress you need to do the core change again.

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    hi Abe,

    i have done all the above and only the profile fields is able to be translated.

    eg. I have a profile field “looking for” with checkbox selection for male/ female. i am able to translate “looking for” but not male and female.

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