This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #105389

    Hello, Can you refer to any discussion or article for setting up woo commerce pages and menu settings in KLEO


    Also, Can you help me to change word “PRODUCT” which is shown all across storefront with another word like iTEM ETC because I am using the store for a different purpose.


    1 – Can you be specific? There’s no difference in page and menu setup than there is with anything else really. There are some woo specific items in Theme Options. There’s a few demo pages that are built using VC which you can import by going to Appearance > Demo Data > Specific page.

    2 – You’ll need to translate woo to change default labels. This isnt a function of Kleo.

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    Hello Sharmstr
    You are right for woo commerce questions I should consult with plugin support.
    But one question id very simple and related to theme hope you will help me to find the answer.

    when I check WOOCOMMERCE STATUS it shows me shortcode is not added into MY ACCOUNT page,
    in the theme we use REGISTER page as My ACCOUNT and that page is associated with the BUDDYPRESS menu.
    I hope you get all. Hope to hear from you soon.


    I’m not exactly clear on what you’re asking. But I will say that you shouldnt assign woocommerce to the same pages that buddypress uses.

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    Yes, you should create a new page.

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