This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sonificator.

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  • #45811

    I am getting this alert message in my wordpress dashboard:

    Your theme has bundled outdated copies of WooCommerce template files. If you notice an issue on your site, this could be the reason. Please contact your theme developer for further assistance.

    Do you guys know about this? Is this a problem?

    I am running WordPress 4.1, Woocommerce 2.3.2, Kleo 2.4


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    Because you updated Woo without verifying if it works with the current version of Kleo. It doesnt. The new version of woo was released less than 24 hours ago.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Okay, I learned a lesson here. Don’t update until I verify that it works with the theme. My mistake, and I hope not to repeat it.

    I learned something from your reply, but it wasn’t an answer to my question about: Is this a problem?

    I haven’t noticed any compatibility problems yet with woo commerce, and I know people have used my shopping cart.

    Would you advise me to leave things as they are until a I notice a problem? Or should I restore a backup of the site that has the old version of woo commerce? Or something else?

    Thanks, I appreciate any advice.


    From what I’ve seen its mostly display issues (3 proceed to checkout buttons on the cart page for example). But again, its only been released for 24 hours. We need time to evaluate and fix the issues. I can’t say for 100% certainty that all will be okay.

    You should seriously consider setting up a test (staging) site. You’ve learned that you should wait to upgrade until you get an okay (and that’s not just from us. thats from other plugin vendors too) but you should test upgrades as well. We only test compatibility with a few plugins. You need to test all the other plugins you may have installed.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Thanks, I will definitely setup a staging site asap. Thanks for the suggestion. And the reply to answer my question.


    So sounds like this has come up elsewhere? Again, in my case the button is missing entirely. I’ll go back to old theme.

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