This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #74874

    We are trying to change the out of stock flag using the child theme’s functions.php using the info in this post:

    For some reason this doesn’t change the text, which leads me to believe the theme manages the flags instead of WooCommerce.

    can you please let us know how we can get the text changed?


    Kleo doesnt override that. I put the code from the link you provided into my child theme and it works as expected.

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    Sorry for not being clear enough. The stock message on the product page does indeed change. What I am talking about is the flag or ‘badge’ that shows up in the top left (span class=”out-of-stock-badge”).

    Using the code from that link only updates the stock description on the product page but not the flag.

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    Correct. That code isnt for the badge. As it states, “text displayed on a product’s page“.

    Woo lets you translate the badge text.

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