This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #98618

    On products,  if you try to click on the bottom images below the main image in Woocommerce, it doesn’t do anything. Shouldn’t these open in a lightbox?


    Its not supposed to launch the lightbox, its supposed to switch the main image. In any case, it could be a plugin conflict. Disable the extra plugins you have installed to verify.

    While you’re at it, implement this fix for your product descriptions:

    let me know.

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    WP 4.4 added srcset to images which has screwed up a bunch of things. Looks like the Kleo devs have already fixed this in the next version of Kleo. In the meantime, see if this solves the issue.

    In your child theme’s functions.php file, add this

    function sq_remove_img_srcset( $attr ) {
    		if (! empty($attr)) {
    		return $attr;

    Then replace /kleo/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php with the attached file (or put it in your child theme). Make sure you keep a copy of the original file (in case this doesnt work) and rename .txt to .php.

    Let me know.

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    It looks like it worked fine, thank you!

    One other question, I want to pull parts of the demo into a website already created, do you have a guide or document that shows how the examples were made? I don’t want to have to import all demo stuff to a the website.


    You can import specific pages. Appearance > Demo Data > Specific Page

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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