Tagged: portfolio
September 23, 2015 at 18:32 #79173
This is a general question, and I wonder if it would be possible to add one more portfolio but of course with a different name?
September 23, 2015 at 22:17 #79210sharmstr
ModeratorThe portfolio is just a custom post type. Obviously there are plugins that allow you to add post types easily. The issue you’ll have is duplicating all the *special* functionality. If that’s an important part, you’re better off using categories or something to section your portfolio.
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September 24, 2015 at 00:20 #79247sharmstr
ModeratorWell, again, it really depends if you need the *magic* that Kleo does to portfolios. A lot of that magic happens because of visual composer, so using something like buddyforms isnt ideal for a kleo portfolio post.
There are a few guest post plugins out there. Seems like you might be okay with one that will allow you to automatically assign those guest posts to a category (without user intervention), then build a page using either a VC Post Grid or Kleo’s Post Grid and filter the post by that category. Maybe?
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September 24, 2015 at 02:22 #79262sharmstr
ModeratorI was thinking ‘buddypress compatible’ when I typed up my response, so we are on the same page
So really, you just need a way for them to make posts. Yes yes, you can call them projects if you want, but at the end of the day, they are just posts. With that said, I dont know of anything out-of-the-box that will give you exactly what you want, but its certainly doable. I would steer clear of trying to make a duplicate of Kleo Portfolios as what you mentioned in your original post.
So, options…
There’s always social articles: https://wordpress.org/plugins/social-articles/
Buddyform as you mentioned
Buddyblog: http://buddydev.com/buddypress/reintroducing-buddyblog-supporting-custom-post-typestaxonomies-for-buddypress-user-blogs/ Which looks like it supports custom post types which you might want to consider for 2 reasons. 1 – it will seperate it from wordpress posts AND B – you can tailor the fields you want. I havent used it, but it might play nicely with a plugin I LOVE which is WP Types: https://wordpress.org/plugins/types/
I think there a others out there….
Remember long ago when I wrote that plugin to show user posts in their profile AND it used the kleo masonry layout? Well I did that so I could display Stories written by my users. “Stories” were a custom post type that I created with the WP Types plugin.
(They were actually a parent post for the ‘chapters’ child custom posts that were also created using WP Types, but that’s probably beyond the scope of this conversation) I chose to not set up a frontend posting form because of the complexity of my parent/child post types, but for you it should be pretty straightforward.
So, if it were me, I would first find out if Buddyblog can easily integrate with custom posts types created with WP Types. If so, then I would download WP Types and spend some time setting up your post type with custom fields for video links (and whatever else you need) and some categories and tags. Once you have that set up, then you can really test out buddyblog for frontend posting. After you’ve done that, it shouldn’t take much effort to stylize the display in their profile since buddyblog is doing most of the work.
To take this a step further, you can then set up a main site page showing the latest submitted portfolios from across the site (similar to behance) and, if it makes since, you can create a gallery type page that pulls out the latest videos and/or images from the latest portfolio posts. You can even add likes, comments, a way to follow people so you get an email notification when they add something new, and all that good stuff.
The Behance interface is awesome. I’ve stolen several of their ideas over the years
Anyhow, that’s how I’d approach it. I obviously cant guarantee this will work as easy as I’ve made it sound, but it should at least get you headed in the right direction. If you want, I can give you a list of all the stuff I used for my fiction site.
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September 25, 2015 at 01:14 #79422sharmstr
ModeratorUnfortunately, I’m finishing up a new website for a friend then digging into evaluating, purchasing and implementing an new ERP system for my manufacturing business. That’s going to take a good 4 months. I probably wont even have time to help out here. (shhhh, dont tell abe yet. lol)
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September 25, 2015 at 02:39 #79426sharmstr
ModeratorYes, the rtMedia move to individual plugins was more than just annoying
Good luck.
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