This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #188084

    Hey guys. I’m running a dating site using Kleo. Although I have built several wordpress sites before this is my first buddypress type site so it’s definitely a learning curve on functionality.

    I have been using a plugin called Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type to generate additional fields for my members to fill out as I need their locations, gender, what they’re looking for etc.

    Now you might have heard that this plugin is no longer supported by WordPress and has not been updated in a year so it’s a question of time when it breaks with new WP updates. There is nothing like it, as far as I know. Which is a big problem. I know it will affect many people who are using it.

    Is there an alternative that you suggest or is there something you can do as a Kleo feature which allows for me or other Kleo users to add those fields to BP profiles? I also need them to link up to Paid Memberships Pro, to enforce my members to fill out those fields at sign up and currently PMPro have a set up for this – by customizing php to connect existing xprofile fields to their registration form.

    I’m at a stage where I will soon start charging subscription for my site, and I want to use PMPro for those subscriptions but I am worried this xprofile fields plugin will break when I’m not expecting it and my people won’t be able to fill out the forms or look up members by those criteria.

    I feel like this should be a standard bp feature somehow but it’s not and I don’t know of any alternative resources.

    Can you please advise me what my options are?

    Thank you in advance.







    You can find the plugin there :

    Maybe it was delisted from wordpress plugin repository because it’s no longer maintained.

    There is no pre-made code for what you need, but maybe using this plugin will help :


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