This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by 5high-photohub.

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  • #49979

    Hi there,

    Just a couple of minor issues, but ones that might need a change in your next update too.

    I’m using the default Kleo theme at present and have the flyout side menu on the right. When the side menu is open and you scroll to the bottom there are 2 problems:
    1. the contact email envelope sits on top of the side menu, so blocking the bottom text. I see that the footer, socket, kleo-go-top icon and kleo-quick-contact icon all have z-index: auto; and the .offcanvas-sidebar has z-index: 100. I presume the .offcanvas-sidebar needs to change to much higher? please confirm and exact code for my child style.css.
    2. the bottom text in the side menu sits too low on the page for it all to be read, and it can’t be raised higher by adding in extra paragraphs as this isn’t saved. This seems OK in Chrome, but is a problem in Firefox. So no idea how to resolve this!

    I’ve attached a screenshot showing both issues together.

    look forward to your suggestions.

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    Z-index problem fix

    .kleo-quick-contact-wrapper { z-index: 100; }

    Sidemenu space problem fix

    COPY CODE div.wrap-canvas-menu div.offcanvas-after {margin-bottom:30px;}

    Add css to your child theme style.css or in Theme Options -> General Settings -> Quick CSS

    Delete that space, and test these css codes.

    Let me know if it works



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    Hi Radu,

    Worked a treat! Though i found margin-bottom:35px gave just a bit more space to the bottom text in Firefox.

    Thanks very much for your help – and is this something that will be included in a future theme update? If so I’d then delete it in my child theme?





    Yes this will be fixed in next theme update, but is not recommend to delete your child theme, if don’t want to use child theme anymore, just deactivate.


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    Thanks for that – sorted!

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