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  • in reply to: Add Google Search in Social Header #72568

    Oh, I see what you mean – didn’t even think of that. I’ll give it a try.

    in reply to: Add Google Search in Social Header #72566

    Hey Sharmstr,

    Thanks for those ideas! I came up empty looking for (free) plugins for adding widget areas, but that seems like it would be on the right track.

    If I edit /kleo/page-parts/general-title-section.php, would that be wiped out in an update?

    in reply to: Down Arrow on Revolution Slider #66255

    Thank you, that’s exactly what I needed! I don’t know why my search didn’t turn that up.

    I’d like to use one of the fontello icons as the down button on the slide, but I’m having trouble figuring out the HTML/CSS I need to put under Layer General Parameters to make that happen. Any tips?

    in reply to: Responsive Media at top of Page #66230

    I’ve decided to just use images that work well enough regardless of screen size.

    in reply to: Shortcodes do not Work in Widgets #62376

    After finally turning off ALL of my plugins (not just the ones that affect widgets/shortcodes/permissions) I found that it was the TinyMCE Comment Field – WYSIWYG plugin that was breaking shortcodes in widgets. Why that was happening I might never know…but it sure was.

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62364

    This appears to extend to all shortcodes in widgets within the Kleo theme. I made a broader topic and am closing this one.

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62132

    Hi Laura,

    To be thorough, I tested this some more by adding another shortcode from an entirely different plugin (Tribulant Slideshow Gallery) and it also isn’t displaying to anyone who isn’t logged into the site. It displays [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”1″]

    However, both shortcodes work when inserted into a page. It’s when they’re inserted into a widget – any widget – that they break.

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62130

    Hi Laura,

    I’d like to display it for users who aren’t logged in in particular, so unfortunately that solution won’t work for me.

    It appears to be an incompatibility issue with Kleo. I’ve spoken with the developers of the plugin and they’re puzzled too.

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62127

    Hi Laura,

    I was wrong 🙁 It’s still broken. You should be able to see it now though.

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62123

    Hi Laura,

    Sorry to have bothered you. I was on the old version of Kleo (2.4 I think?). I just updated to ver 3, which is why there was a blank page for a minute. The update fixed it!

    in reply to: Integration with Custom Facebook Feed #62117

    Hi Laura,

    I included it above 🙂

    in reply to: Remove top border from Header #61903

    Hi again,

    That actually does the opposite of what I was aiming for. I think I figured out how to do it for the top border though:

    .social-header {
    border-bottom: 0;

    That works on my site, though I don’t know if it’s the best way to do it.


    in reply to: "Wide" site not looking so wide #61862

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: "Wide" site not looking so wide #61858

    Okay, thanks! Last question – I’ve started making more of my pages full width, but now the title of the page looks offset and I’m not sure how to move it.

    Example here:

    in reply to: "Wide" site not looking so wide #61856

    Hi again,

    Thanks for the tip. I switched to the backend editor and after a few hiccups it’s working much better.

    It’s not possible to use visual editor to edit the site header, is it?

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61845

    Hey Laura,

    Guess so! Thanks again for all of your help.

    in reply to: Better way to resize site title? #61844

    Thanks, that fixed it!

    in reply to: "Wide" site not looking so wide #61841

    Thanks for the response! I’ve removed the containers from my page content (though I’m not sure how to do that for the menu and site title) but am having trouble saving my changes. When I click “update” at the top left, nothing happens. When I close the editor, my changes aren’t preserved.

    in reply to: "Wide" site not looking so wide #61829

    Whoops, forgot to include the URL. My site is

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61819

    That should say “even though it uses STRONG tags”.

    I just changed all of the bolded text on the home page back to tags as well, and it’s still looking good. Head scratcher for me…

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61818

    So this is strange. Suddenly after saving my edits on the home page, the bolded text on other pages that was also previously not displaying is working, even though it uses tags…I honestly have no idea what changed there!

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61816

    Hi Laura,

    You are brilliant! When I switched to the plain text editor, I noticed that the text had tags instead of <b> tags. Swapping those out fixed the issue, and it looks great now.

    It seems that the Visual editor applies bold formatting using tags. Is this a bug with the editor or with the Kleo theme?

    Thanks again for all of your help, and sorry to eat up so much of your time.

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61812

    Your CSS for removing the footer worked like a charm, by the way!

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61809

    And I’ve got a new one for you. I’ve just noticed that the text formatting isn’t being applied on my homepage. For example, when I go in to edit my page, I can see that the text “The application deadline has passed.” is bold, but it’s not displayed that way on the site.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61806

    Hey Laura,

    If you take a look at my site again, you’ll see that I’ve added 3 footer images, but since the footer area is 4 columns they’re spaced sort of oddly. I’m hoping to find a way to have 3 footer columns that are evenly spaced. In other words, I’d like to remove the 4th column in the footer

    If your comment above addresses that issue, sorry! I’m not seeing an option for hiding the 4th column in the Widgets settings.

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61799

    Whoops, ignore that. I’m apparently having a slow morning and didn’t refresh the page. Duh!

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61798

    Hmm, I tried adding your CSS to the space under Appearance > Editor and changing the color hex to #9fb004 but it’s not showing any different on my site.

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61797

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks a lot! There isn’t a settings option for the color? If not, that’s not a big problem. I might just go ahead with the CSS you provided since my group feels that theming the accent colors of the site is important.

    Last question, I promise! 🙂 Our old site had a 3-column footer. I’m guessing there isn’t an easy way to have 3 columns equally spaced in the footer of this site as well?

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61791

    Hi Laura,

    I’m handing this site off to some less experienced users when it’s complete, so I’m trying to limit design options to what Kleo offers without adding extra CSS on top of it that might need to be changed at a later date. If it’s not possible through existing settings, I’ll leave the design as is. Thanks!

    I did have a secondary question. Is it possible to change the blue highlight bar in the menu that indicates which page you’re on to another color?

    Again, my site is . Thanks!

    in reply to: Header image beneath main menu #61789

    Hi Laura, Thanks for the response!

    I ended up dropping an image into the body area with the Visual Composer, but that seems like a strange way to accomplish this.

    Is there anywhere in the settings that allows you to force the header and menu about a full-width header image? At this point I’m mostly just curious whether I’ve missed a setting somewhere!

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