Forum Replies Created
Participantyou should work for wpmu! they couldn’t tell me that shortcode. when not using a shortcode the plugin takes a page template to inject code into, it happened to choose masonry, which suits me as its my favourite.
Participant@sharmstr honestly had a pretty rubbish time with the plugin. the wpmu events plugin doesn’t pay nice with kleo or vice versa. the fact that there isn’t a shortcode to list all events in the events plugin doesn’t help.
here are the main issues i encountered and how i fixed them (not necessarily the best fix)
events list>
– title displayed is not name of page, but name of latest article. FIX updated kleo’s title function to set title to ‘Events’ when the request uri is /events/
– summary text for each item is all next to each other (no formatting, or punctuation). FIX installed advanced snippet plugin to maintain format of date/time. then updated advanced snippet plugin to take notice of the additional tags (time, tel, etc) that the events plugin uses and update code to chage default snippet length to fewer words.
– post meta data (author, date of posting) can be confused with date and venue of the event. FIX update kleo meta function to just list event categoryevent detail>
– i wanted to display maps so installed the wpmu maps plugin, but the responsive plugin for maps does not work with events plugin. FIXCOPY CODEjQuery(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(function(){resizeMap()},500); }); function resizeMap(){ jQuery('.agm_google_maps').css('width','100%'); jQuery('.agm_google_maps > div').css('width','100%'); }
– styling issue, big white space at top of listing. FIX remove clear left from the top hr (need to add class to the hr to do this)
– post meta data can be confused with date of event. FIX… not done yet.that’s just the stuff off the top of my head, there could be other issues!
Participantthanks sharmstr, i was finally after many hours with the help of wpmu devs able to find/fix the problem. i edited the plugin core.php file to change comment out the following line
//return post_type_archive_title();
Participantunfortunately i cannot use a shortcode as there isn’t one for the classifieds list view, so i’m still stuck with the ‘ClassifiedsClassfieds’ text, it appears before the kleo_title_section. if i remove the kleo_title_section completely then i am left with just ‘Classifieds’, I’m not sure how that’s possible! you can still see the text here
strangely there is not the same problem on the detail page for classifieds
i’ve tried adding filters to replace the string, i’ve added the filter to theme-functions.php like so…
add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘kleo_before_main’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘kleo_header’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘kleo_after_body’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘the_body’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );
add_filter( ‘general_title_section’, ‘removeClassifiedsClassifieds’ );function removeClassifiedsClassifieds( $content )
return str_replace( ‘ClassifiedsClassfieds’, ”, $content );
}but i cannot find it.
i’m getting pretty desperate on this one now. if you any ideas how i can remove this text would be great
by the way i fixed the h1 titles i wanted by updating the kleo title function.