Going through some of the code, I was able to:
1. Add a page template image to Redux buddypress tab
2. Added the following code to the kleo > functions.php file (just after the other page templates):
case 'righttop':
add_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_sidebar');
remove_action('kleo_after_content', 'kleo_extra_sidebar');
add_filter('kleo_main_template_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $main_width_2cols . ' tpl-righttop"; return $cols;'));
add_filter('kleo_sidebar_classes', create_function('$cols', '$cols = "col-sm-' . $sidebar_width_2cols . ' sidebar-righttop"; return $cols;'));
3. Added the following code to the kleo > lib > theme-functions.php file (just after the $kleo_config[‘tpl_map’] = array):
'page-templates/right-sidebar-top.php' => 'righttop',
4. Edited the kleo > lib > options.php file to include my new layout in the Redux Buddypress layout options
But I still can’t call the template to be used by the theme.
Can anyone inform me what I should do next?