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<?php global $wpdb, $pmpro_msg, $pmpro_msgt, $pmpro_levels, $current_user, $pmpro_currency_symbol; if($pmpro_msg) { ?> <div class="message <?php echo $pmpro_msgt?>"><?php echo $pmpro_msg?></div> <?php } ?> <div class="row membership pricing-table"> <?php $restrict_options = kleo_memberships(); $pmpro_levels = array_filter($pmpro_levels); $levelsno = count($pmpro_levels); $levelsno = ($levelsno == 0)? 1:$levelsno; $level_cols = 12/$levelsno; $newoptions = sq_option('membership'); $popular = $newoptions['kleo_membership_popular']; $kleo_pmpro_levels_order = isset($newoptions['kleo_pmpro_levels_order']) ? $newoptions['kleo_pmpro_levels_order'] : NULL; switch ($level_cols) { case "1": $level_cols = "1"; break; case "2": $level_cols = "2"; break; case "3": $level_cols = "3"; break; case "4": $level_cols = "4"; break; case "6": $level_cols = "6"; break; case "12": $level_cols = "12"; break; default: $level_cols = "3"; break; } $level_cols = apply_filters('kleo_pmpro_level_columns', $level_cols); $pmpro_levels_sorted = array(); if (is_array($kleo_pmpro_levels_order)) { asort($kleo_pmpro_levels_order); foreach($kleo_pmpro_levels_order as $k => $v) { if(!empty($pmpro_levels[$k])) { $pmpro_levels_sorted[$k] = $pmpro_levels[$k]; unset($pmpro_levels[$k]); } } $pmpro_levels_sorted = $pmpro_levels_sorted + $pmpro_levels; } else { $pmpro_levels_sorted = $pmpro_levels; } foreach($pmpro_levels_sorted as $level) { if(isset($current_user->membership_level->ID)) { $current_level = ($current_user->membership_level->ID == $level->id); } else { $current_level = false; } ?> <div class="col-md-<?php echo $level_cols;?>"> <div class="panel text-center panel-info kleo-level-<?php echo $level->id; ?><?php if ($popular == $level->id) echo ' popular';?>"> <div class="panel-heading"><h3><?php echo $level->name; ?></h3></div> <div id="level-image"> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <?php //recurring part if(pmpro_isLevelFree($level)) { echo "<strong>" . __('Free', 'pmpro') . "</strong>"; } elseif($level->billing_amount != '0.00') { if($level->billing_limit > 1) { if($level->cycle_number == '1') { printf(_x('%s per %s for %d more %s.', 'Recurring payment in cost text generation. E.g. $5 every month for 2 more payments.', 'kleo_framework'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->billing_amount, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period), $level->billing_limit, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period, $level->billing_limit)); } else { printf(_x('%s every %d %s for %d more %s.', 'Recurring payment in cost text generation. E.g., $5 every 2 months for 2 more payments.', 'kleo_framework'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->billing_amount, $level->cycle_number, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period, $level->cycle_number), $level->billing_limit, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period, $level->billing_limit)); } } elseif($level->billing_limit == 1) { printf(_x('%s after %d %s.', 'Recurring payment in cost text generation. E.g. $5 after 2 months.', 'kleo_framework'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->billing_amount, $level->cycle_number, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period, $level->cycle_number)); } else { if($level->cycle_number == '1') { printf(_x('%s per %s.', 'Recurring payment in cost text generation. E.g. $5 every month.', 'kleo_framework'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->billing_amount, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period)); } else { printf(_x('%s every %d %s.', 'Recurring payment in cost text generation. E.g., $5 every 2 months.', 'kleo_framework'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->billing_amount, $level->cycle_number, pmpro_translate_billing_period($level->cycle_period, $level->cycle_number)); } } } //trial if(pmpro_isLevelTrial($level)) { if($level->trial_amount == '0.00') { if($level->trial_limit == '1') { echo ' ' . _x('After your initial payment, your first payment is Free.', 'Trial payment in cost text generation.', 'pmpro'); } else { printf(' ' . _x('After your initial payment, your first %d payments are Free.', 'Trial payment in cost text generation.', 'pmpro'), $level->trial_limit); } } else { if($level->trial_limit == '1') { printf(' ' . _x('After your initial payment, your first payment will cost %s.', 'Trial payment in cost text generation.', 'pmpro'), $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->trial_amount); } else { printf(' ' . _x('After your initial payment, your first %d payments will cost %s.', 'Trial payment in cost text generation. E.g. ... first 2 payments will cost $5', 'pmpro'), $level->trial_limit, $pmpro_currency_symbol . $level->trial_amount); } } } $expiration_text = pmpro_getLevelExpiration($level); if($expiration_text) { ?> <br /><span class="pmpro_level-expiration"><?php echo $expiration_text?></span> <?php } ?> <div class="pmpro-price"> <p class="lead"> <?php if(pmpro_isLevelFree($level) || $level->initial_payment === "0.00") { ?> <?php echo $pmpro_currency_symbol?><?php _e('0', 'pmpro');?> <?php } else { $l_price = explode(".", $level->initial_payment); echo $pmpro_currency_symbol; echo $l_price[0]; if (isset($l_price[1])) { echo '<sup>.' . $l_price[1] . '</sup>'; } } ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php if ($level->description) { ?> <div class="extra-description"><?php echo $level->description;?></div> <?php } ?> <ul class="list-group list-group-flush"> <?php global $kleo_pay_settings; foreach ($kleo_pay_settings as $set) { if ($restrict_options[$set['name']]['showfield'] != 2) { ?> <li class="list-group-item <?php if($restrict_options[$set['name']]['type'] == 1 || ($restrict_options[$set['name']]['type'] == 2 && isset($restrict_options[$set['name']]['levels']) && is_array($restrict_options[$set['name']]['levels']) && in_array($level->id,$restrict_options[$set['name']]['levels'])) ) { _e("unavailable",'pmpro');}?>"><?php echo $set['front'];?></li> <?php } } do_action('kleo_pmpro_after_membership_table_items', $level); ?> </ul> <div class="panel-footer"> <?php if(empty($current_user->membership_level->ID)) { ?> <a class="<?php if ($popular == $level->id) echo 'btn btn-highlight'; else echo 'btn btn-default';?>" href="<?php echo pmpro_url("checkout", "?level=" . $level->id, "https")?>"><?php _e('Select', 'kleo_framework');?></a> <?php } elseif ( !$current_level ) { ?> <a class="<?php if ($popular == $level->id) echo 'btn btn-default'; else echo 'btn btn-default';?>" href="<?php echo pmpro_url("checkout", "?level=" . $level->id, "https")?>"><?php _e('Select', 'kleo_framework');?></a> <?php } elseif($current_level) { ?> <a class="btn btn-default disabled" href="<?php echo pmpro_url("account")?>"><?php _e('Your Level', 'pmpro');?></a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <nav id="nav-below" class="navigation" role="navigation" style="display: inline-block;"> <div class="nav-previous alignleft"> <?php if(!empty($current_user->membership_level->ID)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo pmpro_url("account")?>" class="btn btn-link"><?php _e('← Return to Your Account', 'pmpro');?></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo home_url()?>" class="btn btn-link"><?php _e('← Return to Home', 'pmpro');?></a> <?php } ?> </div><br> <br><br> </nav>
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